By Jasmine Stovall, Consultant

More often than not, the hardest part about writing is not necessarily the writing itself, but rather the act of simply getting started. Typing just one sentence, one bullet point, or even one word on that blank Word document can break the procrastination barrier and open the flood gates of productivity. Second to starting, is finding the time to start and consistently making the time to continue as the semester picks up. One way to combat the hurdles of getting started and keeping going is to start early. Here are five things you can do right now to set yourself up for successful writing habits:
1. Figure out your writing style: One of the best ways to figure out your preferred writing style and environment preferences is to spend time writing and getting to know yourself as a writer. Experiment with writing alone, writing with a friend, or even a group of friends, in informal and formal settings, like a departmental writing group. Also, try writing in different environments (e.g., at home or a coffee shop) as well as during different times of the day. This will allow you to get a better understanding of your likes and dislikes. You can then use this information to set up a schedule and create an environment that will allow you to be the most productive.
2. Assess your schedule to get an idea of when and how writing will fit into your routine: Before the semester begins and your Outlook calendar fills up with meetings, seminars, teaching and other outside of class/research obligations in what seems like the blink of an eye, spend some time assessing your schedule to determine where you can schedule in writing time at your ideal duration and frequency. Then, write it in and set it in stone. Set expectations for yourself (and your writing partners, if applicable) and be protective of your writing time. If you do not take it upon yourself to prioritize scheduling writing early on and treat it like a class or any other non-negotiable obligation, it will likely fall by the wayside and never get the time that it deserves or the time you desire to devote to it. Before you know it, you will be halfway through the semester with no real, consistent writing routine and finding yourself looking for ways to fit writing in when it is convenient rather than making it a staple in your weekly schedule to help hold yourself accountable. This is especially important if you plan on writing solo.
3. Establish short-term and long-term goals: One of the most valuable pieces of advice I have ever received regarding large projects, or just feeling overwhelmed with tasks in general, is to think of the project as a big picture and divide your tasks into puzzle pieces of said picture. In other words, breaking larger things down into smaller, more manageable tasks put together over time will allow you to work on parts that will ultimately create a whole and hopefully reduce the feeling of overwhelm in the process. I am a firm believer that the same concept rings true for writing, especially for longer documents such as theses, dissertations, and research proposals. For some, breaking down the big picture writing assignment into puzzle pieces can look like planning ahead. Remember, write your purpose in pen and your plan in pencil. Life happens, so allow yourself to be flexible, but never lose sight of the goal. For others, puzzle pieces make look like setting milestone deadlines with themselves and/or their advisor to keep them on track, hold them accountable and ensure steady progress. This can help make the big picture seem less daunting if you are submitting small parts of a whole at regular intervals. Depending on the nature of your project, these deadlines may be weeks, months, or even semesters in advance. Finally, puzzle pieces may look like breaking down a document by chapter, or even by writing stage. For example, planning to have chapter one submitted by this date, or have a brainstorming session by this date followed by a rough outline by this date, and so on. Regardless of what the puzzle pieces look like for you, the key to successfully assembling your puzzle lies in goal setting. So, set a deadline (long-term goal) then work backwards by setting your milestone deadlines (short-term goals) to keep you on the trajectory of reaching the long-term goal within your desired timeframe.
4. Make a list of resources: Having a resource list handy in times of high stress writing can make all the difference. We often do not realize how many resources we have available to us as graduate students and waiting until you are in dire need typically is not the most conducive time to start looking. Being proactive in seeking out what is available to you beforehand, even if you do not need the services in that moment, will make for a smoother, more expedited process should a problem arise. This way, if/when you do find yourself in need of assistance, you already know where to look. Your resource list can consist of writing resources such as the GWC, or otherwise (e.g., Baylor Counseling Center, OALA, GRC, Career Services, etc). There are several factors that contribute to successful, productive writing, which can vary between individuals. Taking some time at the beginning of the semester to personalize your resource list will allow you the best chances of showing up to the computer as your best self to produce your best work.
5. Find (and use!) a citation manager: Graduate students and faculty alike make the claim that citation managers are a game changer, but it was something that I didn’t come to truly believe until I tried one myself. Trust me, to say that it is a game changer is an understatement. Experimenting and familiarizing yourself with a citation manager early in the semester will ease one of the many, if not the biggest, potential headaches of writing, especially when it comes to documents such as literature reviews. There are several options for citation managers, such as Zotero, Mendeley, EndNote and Citation Machine, to name a few. The options exist and they all serve the same purpose, so your only responsibility is to find one that suits you best based on your preferences and project goals. It is important to note that Baylor and/or your department do support memberships for many of these services and provide how-to workshops for beginners as well as those just needing a refresher. These workshops would make a great addition your resource list from tip #4. For more information on using citation managers, click here. Also keep a look out for upcoming GWC Zotero workshops!
Writing is not a task that comes easy to most. While the act of writing can be scary, sometimes even the thought of getting started can be even scarier. Hopefully, these five tips will be helpful in easing some of the anxieties surrounding writing and how to juggle it with the multitude of obligations we commit to throughout the semester as graduate students. The earlier in the semester you begin these things, the more ready you will feel to not only start writing but keep writing.