Seven Things a Spiritual Leader Does Not Do


7 Things a Spiritual Leader Does Not Do


How Leaders Inspire Action TED Talk


Eight Leadership Lessons from the World’s Most Powerful Women



“Don’t worry about being successful but work toward being significant and the success will naturally follow.” -Oprah Winfrey

Authentic Leadership


Authenticity requires





Too often, we pretend we have it all together.




Mission. Philosophy. Vision.


To be first rooted in Christ, that I may be a reflection, although limited and incomplete, of His image

To have Him as my source of infallible wisdom, protection, love

To seek first His kingdom, His will, and an intimate relationship with Him

To be completely sufficient in Christ alone


To live a life that is untamed, raw, unfiltered, and uncomfortable

In reckless pursuit of human connection, goodness, truth, beauty, and justice

To invest in experiences and relationships over money and possessions

To refrain from the temptation of settling to live a life of mediocrity

To find my identity and confidence fully in Christ, and not of this world


To embrace my uniqueness and utilize my abilities, strengths, and creativity in some way to add value to the world, or to lighten the burden of another

To maximize each role that I’m given

To be a seeker of justice and an advocate of truth

To live a life of complete engagement, a life where love does

To love others intentionally, radically, and genuinely

To remember that my audience is God and not men or myself

To live, do, and work with passion, grit, humility, grace, authenticity, excellence, and integrity


To embrace life in its fullness and live with open arms

To travel much and learn more

To remember to laugh and be spontaneous!

To always celebrate and seize the moments and NEVER FORGET THAT DANCING IS ALWAYS A GOOD IDEA

To keep a childlike and pure spirit

To reflect a life of gratitude and worship

To understand that there’s more to this life and world than little me and my bubble


To become self-aware and find my role and fit in a changing and global world

To pour into others and to make a positive impact

To share Jesus and be an ambassador for Him

To share peoples’ stories

To share joy with others

To give more than I receive

To TRUST in the Lord and do hard things


To know that failure is inevitable

I will fail, Everyday

(hopefully not too consistently in one area)

But to understand that the pursuit and process is more important than perfection, and the journey more relevant than the destination

To acknowledge my weakness and God’s greatness

To boast in my inadequacies because His power is made perfect in them

And let that transform me from the inside out

To have the silent courage, by the power and grace of God, to try again every morning

To give grace to myself and others to evolve and understand that people are not a perfect product

To be soft in a bitter and hard world and to believe that life is beautiful and know that I have no place to take it for granted

To change the world for the better

To remember that the two things that matter in this life are my relationship with God and my relationship with others

And ultimately, to remember that God has called me to be faithful, not successful

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