Reaching the Sports World for Christ in the UK
Jonny Reid, a leader with Christians in Sport, discusses sports ministry in the United Kingdom and shares resources for the 2024 Olympic Games.
Faith and Leadership in Baylor Athletics
A conversation with Sophia Young-Malcolm and Juliana Smith on faith, sports, and leading well within Baylor Athletics.
The Cost of a Sports Life Surrendered
Reflections from former college baseball player Austin Hallman on the spiritual highs and lows of his sports experience.
2023 Faith & Sports Institute Year in Review
A look back at the highlights from FSI events, programs, and initiatives in 2023.
The Christian Journalist Who Saw The Coming Youth Sports Crisis
Fifty years ago, a Christian sports journalist named Gary Warner warned Christians about potentially dangerous trends in youth sports.
When Sports Reveal Glimpses of God’s Grace and Glory
A pastor and youth sports parent reflects on a time when he witnessed God’s grace and glory through sports.
2022 Faith & Sports Institute Year in Review
A look back at the highlights from FSI events, programs, and initiatives in 2022.
Is There Hope for Youth Sports?
Baseball coach and athletic director Keith Wahl reflects on the culture of youth sports and how we can participate in its restoration.
Competitive Maturity: Inside Out Reflections on Dave Aranda’s Coaching Philosophy
Theologian and FSI Director John White offers his reflections on Dave Aranda’s coaching philosophy.
Redefining Greatness with the Faith & Sports Institute Retreat
Elizabeth Bounds, a doctoral student in psychology and a graduate of the Truett Seminary Sports Ministry Program, talks with FSI leaders John and Cindy White about the philosophy and principles behind the FSI High School Retreat.