Thinking Missionally about Sports Chaplaincy
Will Whitmore, a Ph.D. student studying sports chaplaincy, discusses a new article he co-wrote with Andy Parker that seeks to provide a theological grounding for the work of sports chaplains.
Read MoreMay 8, 2020 | Theology
Will Whitmore, a Ph.D. student studying sports chaplaincy, discusses a new article he co-wrote with Andy Parker that seeks to provide a theological grounding for the work of sports chaplains.
Read MoreMay 6, 2020 | COVID-19 and Sports, Running The Race Well
Taneka Rubin is a professional basketball player and an author. She was playing this year in Spain when her season was suddenly cut short. In this post she discusses her response to that disappointment and her decision to look beyond herself.
Read MoreMay 4, 2020 | Coaching, Running The Race Well
High school basketball coach Joel Hueser reflects on this past season and the way that God continues to shape and form him through coaching.
Read MoreMay 1, 2020 | Coaching, COVID-19 and Sports, Running The Race Well
Chris Hobbs reflects on his experience as an athletic director during the coronavirus crisis and offers guidance for fellow leaders.
Read MoreApr 28, 2020 | History, Leadership Profiles
In 1976 Cindy Smith was hired by the Fellowship of Christian Athletes to direct their sports ministry programming for women. In this interview from 2017, Cindy talks about her life and pioneering role in sports ministry.
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