Photograph from a Baylor and TCU football game on Baylor’s campus in the early 1900s. Source: The Texas Collection, Baylor University.
The Faith & Sports blog is a project from the Faith & Sports Institute. Housed at Baylor’s Truett Seminary, FSI is uniquely positioned at the intersection of sports and Christian faith. Embedded within a Christian research university with major college athletics, FSI seeks to cultivate thoughtful and theologically-informed Christian engagement with sports. This blog aims to fulfill that mission for an audience beyond the Baylor community. Our posts cover a range of topics: history, theology, leadership, youth sports, mental health, book reviews, pastoral care, best practices, and more. No matter the topic, we hope that we can provide a space for sports-minded Christians to think more deeply about the games that we play.
A few tips for navigating our blog:
Home: Here you will find our latest blog posts.
Resources: Here you can find links to some of our favorite places to dive deeper into the intersection of sports and Christianity.
Running The Race Well: This is our blog channel devoted to the FSI Retreat, a high school retreat funded by the Lilly Endowment that emphasizes practical theology, sports, and leadership. Blog posts in this section will be geared towards high school athletes as well as their coaches and parents.
Sports Culture: This is our blog channel focused on analyzing and reflecting on the history and contemporary culture of sports from a Christian perspective. While it is accessible for a broad audience, it is a bit more academic than our “Running The Race Well” channel.
Research Corner: This is our blog channel focused on academic research at the intersection of sports and Christianity. It includes highlights from new research articles, discussions of academic books, and other content from academic experts in various fields.
Categories (box to the right): Use this to find blog posts related to particular topics, including identity, history, mental health, theology, coaching, and more.
If you have questions, comments, or are interested in learning more about the Faith & Sports Institute, please visit our website or contact the editor, Paul Putz.
Please note: although we are proud of Baylor and Truett, the posts on this blog do not claim to speak in any official capacity for those entities.