About me
2007 Ph.D. in French at New York University (Honors)
2004-2005 Ecole Normale Supérieure, Lyons, France (NYU exchange graduate student)
2001-2002 Ecole Normale Supérieure, Lyons, France
DEA in French Literature (ENS and Université Lumière Lyon 2)
2000-2001 Ecole Normale Supérieure, Lyons, France
M.A. in French Literature (ENS and Université Lumière Lyon 2)
1999-2000 Universitatea Babes-Bolyai, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
1998-1999 Bayerische Julius-Maximilians Universität, Würzburg, Germany
1997-1998 Universitatea Babes-Bolyai, Cluj-Napoca, Romania (Major in French, minor in English)
« Je, auteur de ce livre »: L’affirmation de soi chez les historiens, de l’Antiquité à la fin du Moyen Âge. Later Medieval Europe Series (vol. 20). Leiden: Brill, 2019. XII+830 pages. ISBN 978-90-04-39807-8.
- Reviewed by Joël Blanchard in Francia Recensio, 4 (2019).
- Reviewed by Coline Blaizeau in French Studies, 74.3 (2020), 457.
- Reviewed by Gerardo Larghi in Medioevo Europeo, 5.2 (2021), 328-333.
- Reviewed by Bernard Ribémont in Mediaevistik, 34.1 (2021), 283-286.
- Reviewed by Florence Tanniou in Perspectives médiévales: Revue d’épistémologie des langues et littératures du Moyen Âge, 42 (2021).
Herméneutiques. Iasi (Romania): Junimea Publishing House, 2000. 117 pages. ISBN 973-37-0534-9, foreword by Irina Mavrodin.
Book Chapters:
“Authorship in Medieval Breton Chronicles.” In The Medieval Chronicle XV. Essays in Honour of Erik Kooper. Sjoerd Levelt and Graeme Dunphy, eds. (Leiden: Brill, 2023): 15-25. ISBN 978-90-04-54590-8.
“Autorité spirituelle et pouvoir royal chez Wace: Pour une relecture du Roman de Rou. In The Medieval Chronicle XIII. Erik Kooper and Sjoerd Levelt, eds. (Leiden: Brill, 2020): 33-58. ISBN 978-90-04-42761-7.
“Chroniken im mittelalterlichen Italien. Ein Überblick.” In Handbuch Chroniken des Mittelalters. Gerhard Wolf and Norbert Ott, eds. (Berlin/New York: De Gruyter, 2016): 707-742. ISBN 978-3-11-020627-2.
“Literature.” In Handbook of Medieval Culture: Fundamental Aspects and Conditions of the European Middle Ages. Ed. Albrecht Classen. 3 vols. (Berlin/New York: De Gruyter, 2015): vol. II, 864-900. ISBN 978-3-11-037760-6.
“Patrons, Arts, and Audiences.” In Handbook of Medieval Culture: Fundamental Aspects and Conditions of the European Middle Ages. Ed. Albrecht Classen. 3 vols. (Berlin/New York: De Gruyter, 2015): vol. II, 1381-1403. ISBN 978-3-11-037760-6.
“Effet de parlé and Effet d’écrit: The Authorial Strategies of Medieval French Historians.” In Telling the Story in the Middle Ages: Essays in Honor of Evelyn Birge Vitz. Kathryn A. Duys, Elizabeth Emery, and Laurie Postlewate, eds. (Rochester, NY: Boydell and Brewer, 2015): 93-110. ISBN 9781843843917.
“Je, aucteur de ce livre: Authorial Persona and Authority in French Medieval Histories and Chronicles.” In Authorities in the Middle Ages: Influence, Legitimacy and Power in Medieval Society. Sini Kangas, Mia Korpiola, and Tuija Ainonen, eds. (Berlin/New York: De Gruyter, 2013): 183-204. ISBN 9783110294491.
“Translatio, autorité et affirmation de soi chez Gaimar, Wace et Benoît de Sainte-Maure.” In The Medieval Chronicle VIII. Erik Kooper and Sjoerd Levelt, eds. (Leiden: Brill, 2013): 135-164. ISBN 978-90-420-3736-6.
“Clerc, Chevalier, Aucteur: The Authorial Personae of French Medieval Historians from the 12th to the 15th Centuries.” In Authority and Gender in Medieval and Renaissance Chronicles. Juliana Dresvina and Nicholas Sparks, eds. (Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2012): 231-259. ISBN 978-1-4438-4145-0.
“Mirrors for Princes.” In Handbook of Medieval Studies: Concepts, Methods, Historical Developments, and Current Trends in Medieval Studies. Ed. Albrecht Classen. 3 vols. (Berlin/New York: De Gruyter, 2010): vol. III, 1921-1949. ISBN 978-3110184099.
“L’esthétique des chroniqueurs de la quatrième croisade et l’épistémè gothico-scolastique.” In The Medieval Chronicle V. Ed. Erik Kooper (Amsterdam: Rodopi, 2008): 61-76. ISBN 978-90-04-68626-7.
Journal Articles:
“Crónicas, viajes y el yo/ojo del historiador.” Calamus: Revista de la Sociedad Argentina de Estudios Medievales 8 (2024): 52-78. ISSN 2545-627X.
“De la grande Histoire à l’histoire personnelle: l’émergence de l’écriture autobiographique chez les historiens français du Moyen Age (XIIIe-XVe siècles).” Mediaevistik 25 (2012): 85-117. ISSN 0934-7453.
“Or vous dirai: La vocalité des récits historiques français du Moyen Âge (XIIe-XVe siècles).” Neophilologus 96.3 (2012): 333-347. ISSN 0028-2677.
“Revisiting Guillaume de Villeneuve’s Viatique.” The Explicator 68.4 (2010): 207-211. ISSN 0014-4940.
“Denis Sauvage: The Editing of Medieval Chronicles in Sixteenth-Century France.” Studies in Medieval and Renaissance History. 3rd series, vol. 7 (2010): 255-278. ISSN 0-404-64557-7/ISBN 978-0-404-64557-1.
“Le métathéâtre en tant que métaphore de l’aliénation. Les sources et les mécanismes de l’angoisse.” Limbaje si Comunicare/Languages and Communication. Suceava (Romania): Suceava University Press. 4 (1999): 429-450. ISBN 973-9408-78-8.
Encyclopedia Articles:
“Benoît de Sainte-Maure.” Routledge Resources Online – Medieval Studies, 2022.
Entries “Oddo di Biagio,” “Antonio Pucci,” “Annales Mosellani,” “Annales Tiliani,” “Fragmentum annalium Chesnii,” “Elia Capsali,” “Annales Petaviani,” “Annales Laubacenses,” “Annales Augienses,” “Annales Lugdunenses,” “Annales Weingartenses,” “William of Rubruck,” “Pero Vaz de Caminha,” “Relação do piloto anônimo.” Encyclopedia of the Medieval Chronicle, 2nd edition. Ed. Graeme Dunphy and Cristian Bratu. 2 vols. Leiden/Boston: Brill, 2019. Published online, forthcoming in print.
Entries “Jean-François Balmer” (34-36), “Jean Carmet” (102-103), “Coluche” (127-129), “Jean Dujardin” (181-183), and “Michel Galabru” (215-217). French Cinema in Close-Up/La vie d’un acteur pour moi. Illustrated Mini-Dictionary of Actors and Actresses of the French Cinema. Ed. Michaël Abecassis and Marcelline Block (Dublin: Phaeton Publishing, 2015). ISBN 978-1908420114.
Entries “Bonamente Aliprandi” (I, 31), “Annales Rotomagenses” (I, 85), “Authorship” (I, 133-136), “François Bonivard” (I, 190-191), “Tristano Calco” (I, 239-240), “Chronicon anonymi a.o.c. usque ad annum 1161” (I, 294), “Chronique anonyme 814-1377” (I, 294), “Chronique anonyme a.o.c. usque ad a. 1380” (I, 294-295), “Chronique anonyme finissant en 1308” (I, 295), “Chronique anonyme finissant en 1380” (I, 295-296) “Chronique anonyme finissant en 1383” (I, 296), “Chroniques de l’hostal d’Armanyach” (I, 347), “Chronicle of Huru” (I, 350), “Cronaca Malatestiana” (I, 364-365), “Chronique du président Fauchet” (I, 398), “Chronique de Saint-Maixent” (co-authored with Régis Rech, I, 419), “Chronique Saintongeaise” (I, 422-423), “Pandolfo Collenuccio” (I, 479-480), “Dino Compagni” (I, 483-484), “Jean Creton” (I, 497), “Jean Dardel” (I, 510), “Gilbertus Romanus” (I, 706), “Guido de Bazochis” (I, 741), “Jean de Roye” (II, 911), “Landulf of Milan” (II, 994), “Landulf of San Paolo” (II, 994-995), “Le Canarien” (II, 1012), “Jean Maupoint” (II, 1096-1097), “Manuscript Patrons and Provenance” (II, 1070-1072), “Miroir historial abregié de France” (II, 1114), “Antonio Nerli” (II, 1140), “Readers and Listeners” (II, 1260-1264), “Bartolomea Riccoboni” (II, 1274-1275), “Lorenzo Valla” (II, 1467-1468), “Matteo Villani” (II, 1479), “Philippo Villani” (II, 1479-1480). Encyclopedia of the Medieval Chronicle. Ed. Graeme Dunphy. 2 vols. Leiden/Boston: Brill, 2010. ISBN 978-90-04-18464-0.
Invited Chapters and Articles:
“Prologues as Locus Auctoris in Historical Narratives: An Overview from Antiquity to the Middle Ages.” Mediaevistik 28 (2015): 47-65.
“Political Violence and/as Evil: Sartre’s Dirty Hands.” Evil in Contemporary French and Francophone Literature. Ed. Scott M. Powers (Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2011): 12-37. ISBN 978-1-4438-2587-0.
Contributed to the translation of Books V and XIV, “The Tale of Lycaon” and “The Tale of Philemon and Baucis” (from Old French to English). The Medieval French Ovide moralisé. An English Translation. Ed. by K. Sarah-Jane Murray and Matthieu Boyd. 3 vols. Woodbridge, UK: Boydell and Brewer, 2023.
Book Reviews:
Wace. Roman de Brut. Translated by Glyn S. Burgess, with an introduction and notes by Jean Blacker. (Oxford World’s Classics). Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2023. Forthcoming in French Studies.
Tales of a Minstrel of Reims in the Thirteenth Century. Translated by Samuel N. Rosenberg, introduction by William Chester Jordan, notes by Randall T. Pippenger. Washington, D.C.: Catholic University of America Press, 2022. Le Moyen Âge 2.CXXX (2024): 656-657.
Susanne Friede and Michael Schwarze, eds. Autorschaft und Autorität in den romanischen Literaturen des Mittelalters. Berlin: De Gruyter, 2015. Mediävistik 33.1 (2020): 244-247.
Glyn S. Burgess and Kelly Douglas. Translation. The Roman de Troie by Benoît de Sainte-Maure, Cambridge: D.S. Brower, 2017. Cahiers de civilisation médiévale 6.40/240bis (2017): 457-460.
John Spence. Reimagining History in Anglo-Norman Prose Chronicles. York: York Medieval Press; Woodbridge: Boydell & Brewer, 2013. Mediaevistik 30 (2017): 390-392.
Irit R. Kleiman. Philippe de Commynes: Memory, Betrayal, Text. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2013. Speculum 92/2 (April 2017): 542-543.
Alberto Varvaro. La tragédie de l’histoire : la dernière œuvre de Froissart. Paris : Classiques Garnier, 2011. Mediaevistik 29 (2016): 578-579.
Jeanette Beer. In Their Own Words: Practices of Quotation in Early Medieval History-Writing. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2014. The Medieval Review, 2014.
Stephen Partridge and Erik Kwakkel, eds. Author, Reader, Book: Medieval Authorship in Theory and Practice. Toronto/Buffalo/New York: University of Toronto Press, 2012. Mediaevistik 25 (2012): 459-463.
Svetlana Loutchitsky and Marie-Christine Varol, eds. Homo Legens: Styles et pratiques de lecture: Analyses comparées des traditions orales et écrites au Moyen Âge/Styles and Practices of Reading: Comparative Analyses of Oral and Written Traditions in the Middle Ages. Turnhout: Brepols, 2010. Mediaevistik 25 (2012): 227-231.
Andrew Brown and Graeme Small. Court and Civic Society in the Burgundian Low Countries c. 1420-1530. Manchester: Manchester University Press, 2007. Mediaevistik 24 (2011): 589-595.
T. Jefferson Kline. Unraveling French Cinema: From L’Atalante to Caché. Chichester, U.K./Malden, MA.: Wiley-Balckwell, 2010. Historical Journal of Film, Radio and Television 31.3 (2011), 421-423.
Jean Froissart. Chroniques. Livre III: le manuscrit Saint-Vincent de Besançon. Eds. Ainsworth, P.F., and G. Croenen. Geneva: Droz, 2007. The Medieval Review, 2009.
Media Projects:
“Film Grammar” (DVD) by Nancy Membrez, 2008 (translated into French by Cristian Bratu and Kaitlin Fogelsong, 2009).
Word Wise podcasts for KWBU FM (click here and here to listen to the podcasts)
Click here to read an interview with me for the Baylor Lariat
Invited Presentations
- “Translatio and Authority in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance,” Baylor University, Medieval and Renaissance Research Seminar, February 20, 2017
- “Ubi est auctoritas?: Transfers of Authority in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance,” University of Dallas, March 22, 2017
Conference Presentations, Faculty and Honors Colloquia
- June 2024 – 12th International Medieval Meeting, Universitat de Lleida, Lleida (Spain): “Authorship in Late Medieval French and Spanish Travel Narratives”
- February 2024 – Coloquio “La historiografía en la larga Edad Media,” Universidad de Santiago de Compostela (Spain) and Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata (Argentina), Santiago de Compostela (Spain): “Authorial Self-Portraits in Early French and Spanish Travel Literature”
- September 2023 – Congreso Internacional “La autoría en las literaturas hispánicas,” Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, Universidad de Valladolid, Valladolid (Spain): “Authorship in Early French and Spanish Travel Narratives“
- July 2023 – 10th International Medieval Chronicle Conference, Université de Lorraine, Nancy (France): “Medieval Historein, Autopsia, and the I/Eye of the Historian”
- June 2023 – 21st International Conference on New Directions in the Humanities, Université Paris-Sorbonne, Paris (France): “Medieval Literary Journeys Through European and Middle Eastern Landscapes”
- April 2023 – “James I of Aragon’s Llibre dels fets: The First Royal Autobiography,” Baylor University, Honors Colloquium
- November 2022 – 119th Annual Conference of the Pacific Ancient and Modern Language Association, Los Angeles: “Historiography, Travel Narratives, and In Between”
- September 2022 – XVII Jornadas Internacionales de Estudios Medievales, Instituto Multidisciplinario de Historia y Ciencias Humanas (IMHICIHU), Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET), and the Sociedad Argentina de Estudios Medievales (SAEMED), Buenos Aires (Argentina): “Travels, Chronicles, and the I/Eye of the Historian”
- June 2022 – 20th International Conference on New Directions in the Humanities, University of the Aegean, Rhodes (Greece): “Genealogies, Chronicles, and In Between”
- April 2022 – Annual Conference of the Medieval Association of the Pacific, Mount Royal University and the University of Calgary, Banff, Alberta (Canada): “The Boundaries Between Medieval Genealogies and Chronicles: The French Case”
- January 2022 – Colloque Effet de réel, effet du réel : la littérature médiévale au miroir des histoires, Centre d’études supérieures de civilisation médiévale (CESCM), Poitiers (France): “L’histoire et ses « effets »: effet de parlé et effet d’écrit dans les récits historiques médiévaux”
- October 2021 – 78th Annual Convention of the South Central Modern Language Association, Houston: “Je and jeu: The ‘I’ of the Breton Historian”
- July 2021 – Institute of Slavic Studies, Polish Academy of Sciences (Instytut Slawistyki, Polskiej Akademii Nauk) and Adam Mickiewicz University (Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza, Poland), 9th International Conference of the Medieval Chronicle Society: “Authorship in Breton Chronicles”
- May 2021 – Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, 56th International Congress on Medieval Studies: “The French Medieval Historian’s Persona: From Narrative Device to Self-Narrative”
- April 2021 – “The Self and the Other in Marco Polo’s Travels,” Baylor University, Honors Colloquium
- November 2019 – 117th Annual Conference of the Pacific Ancient and Modern Language Association, San Diego: “Laurent Cantet’s L’Atelier or the Classroom as Film”
- July 2019 – University of Exeter (UK), 16th Congress of the International Courtly Literature Society: “Courtoisie, Clergie, and Ideal Monarchy in Wace’s Works”
- July 2019 – University of Granada (Spain), 17th International Conference on New Directions in the Humanities: “The Birth of Vernacular Biography in Thirteenth-Century France”
- March 2019 – University College London (UK), Medieval Barthes Conference: “The Death and Return(s) of the Medieval Author”
- November 2018 – 116th Annual Conference of the Pacific Ancient and Modern Language Association, Bellingham: “Epic vs. Real Heroes: Towards a New Ethos in Thirteenth-Century French Histories and Chronicles”
- October 2017 – 74th Annual Convention of the South Central Modern Language Association, Tulsa: “A Hypothesis on the Roman de Rou’s Abrupt Ending”
- July 2017 – University of Würzburg (Germany), 25th Congress of the International Arthurian Society: “Patterns of Translatio in Geoffrey of Monmouth’s Historia regum Britanniae“
- July 2017 – University of Lisbon and Nova University of Lisbon (Portugal), 8th International Conference of the Medieval Chronicle Society: “Potestas vs. Auctoritas: Why Did Henry II Fire the Author of the Rou?”
- July 2017 – Imperial College, London (UK), Fifteenth International Conference on New Directions in the Humanities: “Authorial Confidence and Distress in Wace’s Roman de Rou“
- March 2017 – Baylor University, Honors Colloquium: “Rhinoceroses, Old and New: A Discussion of Eugene Ionesco’s Rhinoceros“
- November 2016 – 73rd Annual Convention of the South Central Modern Language Association, Dallas: “Moy, acteur de ces croniques: A Reassessment of Jean de Wavrin’s Authorial Persona”
- September 2016 – Baylor University, Honors Colloquium: “The First Literary Depiction of Texas in Cabeza de Vaca’s Naufragios“
- July 2016 – University of Kentucky, Lexington, 15th Congress of the International Courtly Literature Society: “Courtliness and Courtly Love in Geoffrey of Monmouth’s Historia regum Britanniae“
- July 2016 – University of Chichester (UK), 30th Annual Conference of the Society for the Study of French History: “Redefining Authorship and High Culture in French Medieval History-Writing”
- November 2015 – Baylor University, MLC Colloquium: “Fazer de Lisboa nova Roma: A Reassessment of the Notion of Translatio in Camões’s Lusíads”
- November 2015 – 72nd Annual Convention of the South Central Modern Language Association, Nashville: “Authorial Self-Sketches and Self-Portraits in the Works of Gaimar, Wace, and Benoît de Sainte-Maure”
- July 2015 – University of Queensland, St. Lucia (Australia), Australian and New Zealand Association for Medieval and Early Modern Studies (ANZAMEMS) 10th Biennial Conference: “Translatio imperii and translatio studii in Luís Vaz de Camões’s Lusíads“
- February 2015 – Baylor University, Honors Colloquium: “Dante’s Vita Nova: Between Poetic Tradition and Innovation”
- October 2014 – 71st Annual Convention of the South Central Modern Language Association, Austin: “Oral and Written Effects in French Medieval Histories and Chronicles”
- September 2014 – Baylor University, Honors Colloquium: “Literature and Exploration in Portugal’s Age of Discovery: Luís Vaz de Camões’s Lusíads“
- July 2014 – University of Liverpool (UK), 7th International Medieval Chronicle Conference: “Connected or Not: The Problematic Relationship Between Prologue and Narrative in French Medieval Chronicles”
- June 2014 – CEU San Pablo University, Madrid (Spain), 12th International Conference on New Directions in the Humanities: “The Author: The Future of a Notion With a Troubled Past”
- February-March 2014 – University of Puerto Rico, 3e Colloque international sur l’enseignement du français langue étrangère: “A quoi bon étudier le français?: Qu’en pensent (et disent) nos étudiants”
- January 2014 – Baylor University, Honors Colloquium: “Translating the Ovide moralisé“
- September 2013 – Baylor University, Honors Colloquium: “Waiting for the Tartars: An Analysis of Dino Buzzati’s Tartars Steppe”
- July 2013 – International Medieval Congress, University of Leeds (UK): “Imag(in)ing the Author: Visual Representations of Authors in Medieval French Histories and Chronicles”
- May 2013 – Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, 48th International Congress on Medieval Studies: “Late Medieval Images of Translatio Studii in the Works of Jean Froissart, Enguerrand de Monstrelet, and Christine de Pizan”
- May 2013 – Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, 48th International Congress on Medieval Studies: Participated in the roundtable discussion on the translation of the Ovide moralisé
- April 2013 – University of Toronto (Canada), American Comparative Literature Association Conference: “How Patient Should a Host Be?: Hospitality, Anarchy, and Allegory in Adam’s Apples”
- April 2013 – Baylor University, Global Community (MFL 3101): “A Brief History of Indochina”
- September 2012 – Baylor University, Honors Colloquium: “The Forgotten Europe: An Analysis of Slavenka Drakulić’s Café Europa: Life After Communism“
- July 2012 – University of Oxford (UK), 3rd Biennial Oxford/Cambridge International Chronicles Symposium (“Bonds, Links, and Ties in Medieval and Renaissance Chronicles”): “Translatio as a Link between Past and Present History-Writing in the Works of Geffrei Gaimar, Wace, and Benoît de Sainte-Maure”
- March 2012 – Baylor University, Honors Colloquium: “Molière’s Miser and the Critique of Pure Avarice”
- March 2012 – Baylor University, MFL Mini-Colloquium: “Using Google Maps and Streetview in Foreign Language Teaching”
- March 2012 – University of Puerto Rico, 2e Colloque international sur l’enseignement du français langue étrangère: “Langue, culture et nouvelles technologies: L’Utilisation de Google Maps et Streetview dans l’apprentissage du français” “Using Google Maps and Streetview in Foreign Language Teaching”
- July 2011 – Pécs University (Hungary), 6th International Medieval Chronicle Conference: “Prologues as Locus Auctoris in Historical Narratives: An Overview from Antiquity to the Middle Ages”
- May 2011 – Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, 46th International Congress on Medieval Studies: “Denis Sauvage’s Dilemma: Textual Purity or ‘Critical Edition’?”
- March 2011 – Baylor University, Honors Colloquium: “What is Rhinoceritis? An Analysis of Eugène Ionesco’s Rhinoceros“
- October 2010 – Baylor University, Honors Colloquium: “Religion and Irreligiosity in Voltaire’s Zadig“
- July 2010 – Cambridge International Chronicles Symposium, Cambridge University (UK): “Clerk, Witness, Author: The Status of French Medieval Chroniclers (12th-15th c.)”
- July 2010 – International Medieval Congress, University of Leeds (UK): “The Unwilling Traveler: Guillaume de Villeneuve and His Viatique“
- April 2010 – Baylor University, MFL Mini-colloquium: “Sartre’s Politics – Thirty Years Later”
- February 2010 – Medieval, Renaissance, and Baroque Symposium on Authorship, University of Miami, Coral Gables: “The Medieval Author: A Paradigm Shift”
- November 2009 – Baylor University, MFL Mini-Colloquium: “Je, aucteur de ce livre: On the Status of Medieval Historians”
- October 2009 – 66th Annual Convention of the South Central Modern Language Association, Baton Rouge: “Les Idiots utiles: Intellectuals and Collaborationism in 20th-Century France”
- October 2009 – Texas Medieval Association Conference, Austin: “Chroniclers and Authors: The Status of French Medieval Historians”
- October 2009 – Jersey City, NJ, Romance Studies 2009 Colloquium on Storytelling: “Medieval Chronicles as Storytelling”
- May 2009 – Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, 44th International Congress on Medieval Studies: panel on “Authorship in Medieval Chronicles”
- March 2009 – American Comparative Literature Association Conference, Harvard University: “From History to MyStory: Self-Expression in Early Modern French Chronicles”
- March 2009 – Medieval Association of the Pacific Conference, Albuquerque: “Denis Sauvage: Editing Medieval Historiography in Sixteenth-Century France”
- December 2008 – MLA Convention, San Francisco: “Hundred Years War Literature: Making and Breaking Boundaries” (panel hosted by Deborah McGrady, UVA): “Crossing Boundaries in the Third Book of Froissart’s Chronicles“
- December 2008 – Barnard College, Barnard Medieval and Renaissance Conference. The Shape of Time in the Middle Ages and Renaissance: “Genealogical Time and Its Gaps in Froissart’s Chroniques“
- October 2008 – Baylor University, Global Film and Culture (FAS 1136): “A Short History of French Cinema”
- September 2008 – University of Texas at San Antonio, European Film Conference: “Femmes dans le jardin: Elements pour une nouvelle interpretation d’Inch’Allah dimanche“
- April 2008 – University of North Texas, Women in French Conference: “Authorship, Authority, and Gender in the Middle Ages” – presider of sessions VII (Women Authors in the Middle Ages I) and XV (Female Authority in the Late Medieval and Early Modern Period II)
- March 2008 – Fordham University, Remembering the Crusades. Myth, Image, and Identity: “Remembering the Crusades, Remembering the Self”
- September 2006 – New York University, Work in Progress Seminar: Emergence de l’auteur et écriture de soi dans l’historiographie médiévale
- 2006 – International Medieval Congress, University of Leeds (UK): “L’économie des émotions chez Philippe de Commynes”
- 2006 – Cornell University, Entralogos. Romance Studies Graduate Conference: Turns, Returns, Detours: (Hi)story and (Re)presentation: “The Missing Link in the Genealogical Representation of Medieval History”
- 2005 – Yale University, Florilegium. Graduate Student Medieval Studies Conference: “The Rise of the Medieval Chronicler”
- 2005 – Columbia University, Graduate Student Conference “How Sweet Are Your Words to My Taste”. Eating Food, Imbibing Drink and Devouring Texts in the Middle Ages: “Images of Hunger and Abundance in the Writings of Villon and Rabelais”
- 2005 – University of Reading (UK), 4th International Medieval Chronicles Conference: “Les Chroniques de la 4e croisade et l’épistémé gothico-scolastique”
- 2004 – University of Texas at Austin, French and Italian Graduate Students’ Conference: “Cohérence discursive et incohérence politique chez Geoffroy de Villehardouin”
- 2002 – Université de Genève (Switzerland), Conference on “Le littéraire en marge du littéraire” : “L’espace polytropique dans les romans antiques du XIIe siècle”
- 1998 – Universitatea Babes-Bolyai, Cluj-Napoca (Romania), Conference of French and Francophone Literatures: “Transparence et opacité dans Les Confessions de Rousseau”
Grants, Awards, and External Funding
Spring 2019 Travel funds provided for the Medieval Barthes Conference by the Modern Humanities Research Association (MHRA) and the Society for French Studies (SFS) (UK)
Spring 2016 MLC Undergraduate Research Small Grant, Baylor University
2006-2007 Dulau Fellowship (NYU)
2004-2005 NYU Exchange Student at ENS Lyon
2002 MacCracken Fellowship at NYU
2000-2002 Joint grant ENSAF (ENS/Ambassade de France en Roumanie): Scholarship at the ENS Lyon, France
1998-1999 ERASMUS scholarship from the European Union: Study scholarship at Würzburg University, Germany
Summer 1998 Golden medal at the international French spelling contest “Allons en France/Dicos d’or,” Sorbonne, Paris
Spring 1997 Special award at the “Concursul Latinitatii” (National Contest of Latin and Neolatin Languages), Târgu-Mures, Romania
1996 Special award in French at the “Olimpiada Nationala de Limbi Romanice” (National Contest of Romance Languages), Baia Mare, Romania
Romanian, French and English: native fluency
German: very good writing, reading and speaking skills
Latin, Italian, Spanish: good reading, writing and speaking skills
Old French (langue d’oil and langue d’oc): very good reading skills
Portuguese: good reading skills
Arabic, Ancient Greek and Dutch: beginner level
Fields of Special Interest
Medieval and Early Modern narrative literature
Translation, translatio and patterns of transmission in the Middle Ages
Pre-modern historiography and travel literature
Pre-modern representations of authorship
Pre-modern and modern political thought
Self-expression in literature (autobiographies, autofictions, memoirs, diaries)
French Theory and the “Death of the Author”
Ideologies and utopias