Research interests
As you have probably realized by now, I am a medievalist/early modernist. I am primarily interested in medieval historical writings (chronicles, annals, memoirs, and diaries). I am also fascinated by the idea of authorship in the Middle Ages, with everything that revolves around it (anonymity, scribal interventions, individual or collective authorship, authorial self-expression, and authority). Please visit this page if you want to know more about my publications on medieval topics. You can also scroll down to find out more about my past research projects and my favorite medieval links.
In my most recent book, “Je, auteur de ce livre”: L’affirmation de soi chez les historiens, de l’Antiquité à la fin du Moyen Age, I discuss authorial self-representations and self-promotion strategies in the works of ancient and medieval historians, from Herodotus (5th c. BC) to Philippe de Commynes (15th c. AD). After describing the emergence of an author figure in the works of ancient Greek and Roman historians, I show that, in spite of the emphasis placed by the nascent Christian civilization on humility, medieval historians were anything but self-effacing. Subsequently, I focus on the authorial figures of French medieval historians who wrote in the vernacular between the 12th and 15th centuries. I use a variety of approaches (philology, codicology, narratology) in order to shed new light on the authorial figures of ancient and medieval historians.
Ph.D. Dissertation (Honors, 2007):
The Emergence of the Author in French Medieval Historiography
Committee: Prof. Nancy Freeman Regalado (Director), Prof. Evelyn Birge Vitz, Prof. Brigitte Miriam Bedos-Rezak
Readers: Prof. Michel Beaujour, Prof. Jindrich Zezula
DEA Dissertation (2002):
“Langage et contexte anthropologique dans les chroniques du XIIIe siècle,” DEA in French Literature (ENS-LSH and Université Lumière Lyon 2)
Research websites:
Sites about the Middle Ages:
- Medieval Internet Sourcebook
- Labyrinth: Resources for Medieval Studies
- Mediaevum
- Netserf
- Musée du Moyen Age
- The Middle Ages for Beginners and Kids
- Performing Medieval Narrative Today: A Video Showcase
Medieval Literature:
- Les Serments de Strasbourg
- La Cantilène de Sainte Eulalie
- La Vie de Saint Alexis
- La Vie de Saint Léger
- La Chanson de Roland
- Les Troubadours
- Le Tristan de Béroul
- Le Tristan de Thomas
- Marie de France, Les Lais
- Chrétien de Troyes, Le Chevalier au Lion
- Aucassin et Nicolette
- Historiens et chroniqueurs
- Oeuvres complètes de Froissart
- Mémoires du Moyen Âge jusqu’au XVIIIe s.
Miscellanea mediaevalia:
- Medieval Chronicle Society
- Medieval Academy of America
- Texas Medieval Association (TEMA)
- Medieval Studies, UT Austin
- Medieval Studies, Rice University
- Medieval Club of New York
- Center for Medieval Studies, Fordham
- Medieval and Renaissance Center, NYU
- Medieval Guild, Columbia
- Medieval Studies Certificate Program, CUNY Graduate Center
- Medieval Studies, Rutgers
- Medieval Studies, Penn
- Medieval Studies, Yale
- Program in Medieval Studies, Princeton
- The Cloisters
- The Frick Collection
- Morgan Library