
High School

I went to Lake Travis High School in Austin, Texas. It is a great high school in terms of academics, as well as sports. I played soccer and football throughout my four years there. I also participated in Student Council during my senior year.


Currently I am sophomore at Baylor University. During My first semester I was majoring in biology with a focus in pre-med. However, going into the second semester, I knew that was not the path for me. I switched to the pre-business major in the business school for my second semester.

Now almost done with the first semester of my sophomore year, I am leaning towards a finance major, along with an interest in entrepreneurship and possibly a focus in pre-law. During this past semester, I also became a member of Delta Omega chapter of Kappa Alpha Order at Baylor. I have loved being a part of it so far because of the guys are awesome. It has been a great experience and I am looking forward to the spring semester.