The “B” Association Supports Our Athletes

dusty-sanderson-1-cropA Special Message from President Elect Dusty Sanderson

As you are aware, we are entering a pivotal transition period. Many have speculated that Baylor Football will undergo staff changes after the season. If that happens, we have a decision to make. Our role as letterwinners in our athletics program makes a difference. It is consequential. And therefore, it is very important that we understand what is at stake.

On Saturday, when our student-athletes come out of that tunnel and onto the field, they will face many challenges; “B” Association members should not be among those challenges. It is imperative that we continue to boldly show our support to our team, and that includes supporting our coaches. And, if at the end of the season, we experience a coaching change, we must remain steadfast in our support. We’ve seen other schools call into question a coach’s abilities before they’ve ever had the chance to make a call on the field. That’s not who we are.

Our athletes deserve better. They deserve the dignity of a united front from us. Despite negative characterizations that have been heaped upon them, it is our solemn responsibility to stand by them as they need us now more than ever.

When we stand in the stadium this weekend to cheer on our team, remember what we stand for. Remember why we’re here as an organization. And remember that the commitment we have made to support our athletes makes a difference in their lives and impacts the success of our program.

Sic ’em!

Dusty Sanderson
Baylor “B” Association President Elect, 2016

7 thoughts on “The “B” Association Supports Our Athletes

  1. Thank you, Dusty, for making those comments. Standing and cheering in a positive manner is important for those young men to know that we still support them. They deserve better than a bunch of band wagon alums who have chosen to sit out this season. Standing and cheering also sends a great signal to those recruits that are sitting right behind the team. We can let them know that despite what they may read in the newspaper or see on TV or hear from others, Baylor Nation chooses to remain unified in our attempts to minimize the impact of what has happened.

    Sic ’em Bears – Rick Clopton (Baseball 1972-1976)

  2. Thank You Dusty, That was well said. These young men need all of our full attention and we need to be backing them all the way. Thanks again, Paul Kluge fb 71-76

  3. Thanks Dusty; good thoughts. Our fellow athletes that are slugging it out under rough circumstances. They deserve everyone’s respect for hanging tough.

    Concerns and actions regarding admin. / BOR are entirely separate issues for Baylor family to grapple with…

    Dan Brook

  4. Our football players coaches and staff are fine Christian – honorable men who have been thrown under the bus along with our beloved University by the inept leadership of our Board of Regents in order to cover up their on shortcomings. AND THEY CONTINUE TO LIE AND TRASH THE TEAM AND THE UNIVERSITY EVERY TIME THEY OPEN THEIR MOUTHS. OUR players, coaches and fans are GREAT , the leaders of the Board of Regents lieing dogs!GALLOWAY Fithermore our Athletic Dept and ALL the coaches and staff have complied with Title9 far better than ANY other Dept. on the entire campus. !!

  5. Great comments by Gale Galloway and I agree with totally. The problem is we had one of the best football coaches in the nation and our BOR fired him without cause. There is tremendous pressure on Mack Rhoades and the BOR to make a great hire.

  6. Thank you, Dusty. I agree, and I will continue to support our coaches and teams with positive words and actions everywhere I go. We’ve had ups and downs in the past and we will survive this time too. I do wish the Board of reagents had taken more responsibility for institutional policy failures, rather than lay the blame on three of the finest men we’ve ever had. Baylor Nation needs to stand tough together going forward. “Sic’em Bears”

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