Alumni Interviews — Kara Allen-Jackson (’14)

With each year that passes there are more and more BIC graduates doing great work all over the world. Each spring we publish brief “Alumni Updates” where our alumni can tell us some about their post-BIC lives. In addition to these annual updates, we post interviews with our alumni. Today we are excited to post an interview with Kara Allen-Jackson (’14), a television news producer in San Antonio. We hope you enjoy, and if you are interested in being interviewed for a future blog post, email us at

What year did you graduate from Baylor? What did you study?

I graduated in May of 2014 with a degree in Film and Digital Media.

What has been your journey since graduating from Baylor? What are you doing currently for work/career?

After finishing school at Baylor I found a job at a local news station the week of graduation. I worked my way up from Production Assistant to News Producer over a two-year period, and then I moved to a bigger market in San Antonio.

What do you enjoy most about your work–or what is something you are currently excited about in your work?

The news industry is always changing. The game plan going into every day is the same, but the process is very fluid. You never know exactly what will happen, or when and how. So, you get a little bit of an adrenaline rush.

How has your BIC education influenced your life and/or work since leaving Baylor?

Being a part of the BIC program taught me how to see things from someone else’s perspective. That characteristic is critical to maintaining integrity in my industry. There’s never just one side to a news story.

Do you have a favorite memory from your time in BIC?

I loved the trips we took in BIC. We went to places across Texas that I probably never would have traveled to visit on my own (e.g. a synagogue service, a mosque and art museum in Dallas, etc.)

What are your goals for the future?

In the next two years I’d like to focus on starting my own non-profit.

Do you have any advice for current BIC students?

Soak everything in while you can, but don’t just focus on the book knowledge. BIC is a great environment for personal development as well. Take time to learn life lessons and apply them.

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