There are two BIC faculty blogs you should explore (if I’m missing any others, please let me know). One is from our Director, Anne-Marie Schultz, and the other is from Paul Larson, Professor of Spanish.
Dr. Schultz’s primary blog is called “Thoughts on Teaching Yoga and Philosophy,” and you can also find a blog for her BIC Yoga Capstone course. In a post from 2009, Dr. Schultz reflects on the impact of the BIC. She writes,
“Overall, I think the BIC teaches students to question. The motto of the BIC is the Socratic exhortation that ‘the unexamined life is not worth living,’ and there is a genuine sense in which the BIC promotes this sustained engagement with ideas as the real goal of learning more than the learning of the content of those ideas themselves. BIC teaches the great texts of the world but also the context of texts and the conversation that those texts have with each other, their cultures, and of course how that conversation influences us as contemporary Americans and how we reshape that conversation of texts through our sustained engagement with the texts.”
You can find Dr. Larson’s blog at “The Spanish Medievalist,” where recent posts address topics as diverse as selfies, bookstores, Columbo, and Spam. In a recent post, Dr. Larson considers technology and the “ghost in the machine.” He writes:
“For now, I get random dialogue boxes that are the direct result of many of those ghosts. Boxes asking for passwords and pass phrases that the machine really doesn’t need–I just click them closed and move on. Conflicting programs, questioning software, weird heuristics, and unintended results all combine to create a sort of buggy interactive digital chaos. I’m just waiting for the day when the computer turns itself on and off, and gives itself orders, exiling its interactive human partner to analogue hell.”
If you are a BIC alumni and would like to share your own blog, writings, or publications, please let us know (send an email to Adam Moore, BIC Program Coordinator).