Go Baylor

  goBAYLOR is where you can access our free online application. It will also guide you through the admissions process one step at a time.

Regardless of which application form you use when applying, you must create a goBAYLOR account to track the status of your application. It is your responsibility to check the status of your application file to ensure a complete and thorough review of your application for admission to Baylor University. goBAYLOR is updated daily and should be checked throughout the year for important enrollment information.

Life jokes

A cop spotted a woman driving knitting at the same time. Coming up beside her, he said,”Pull over!””No,” she replied,”a pair of socks!”

Teacher:Kevin, why are you late this time?Kevin:Please sir,I bruised two fengers knocking in a nail at home.Teacher:”I don’t see any bandages.Kevin:Oh, they weren’t my fingers! I told my little sister to hold the nail.




Whatever is worth doing is worth doing well.

Happiness is a way station between too much and too little.

In love folly is always sweet.

Try not to become a man of success but rather try to be come a man of value.