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African American Women Writers of the 19th Century

African American Women Writers of the 19th Century: Hosted by the New York Public Library, this site offers a digital collection of important works from prominent African American women in the 19th century.

African American Sheet Music

African American Sheet Music  Brown University’s digital sheet music collection houses everything from antebellum black face performances to songs associated with the abolition movement and Uncle Tom’s Cabin to the works of James Bland, Ernest Hogan, Bob Cole, James Reese Europe, and Will Marion Cook.

African-American Band Music & Recordings, 1883-1923

African American Band Music & Recordings, 1883-1923: The Library of Congress’s band music and recording collection is home to rare sheet music and audio recordings of popular songs written and performed by African Americans from 1883-1923.

Nineteenth Century Women Poets

Nineteenth Century Women Poets: This growing collection consists of poetry written by women in English and published from 1800 to 1900. Created and maintained by Baylor University’s Armstrong Browning Library, the 19th Century Women Poets collection provides digital copies of rare works primarily published…

Nineteenth Century Actors and Theater Photographs

Nineteenth Century Actors and Theater Photographs: This collection, from the University of Washington, gathers over 600 images of actors and actresses from the mid to late 19th century. The performers in this collection were little known outside of major theater circles, and, thus, this…

Michael DePalma “Religious Rhetoric as a Course of Study: Twenty-first Century Prospects for Austin Phelps’s Rhetorical Pedagogy”

May 1 Dr. Michael DePalma (Professional Writing, Baylor University) will present “Religious Rhetoric as a Course of Study: Twenty-first Century Prospects for Austin Phelps’s Rhetorical Pedagogy.” This talk draws on the final chapter of Austin Phelps and the Shaping of Sacred Rhetorical Education of Andover…

Dr. Rae Greiner “Stupidity After Enlightenment”

April 10th Dr. Rae Greiner  (English, Indiana University) will present “Stupidity After Enlightenment.” Stupidity at the fin de siecle was fast becoming purely a matter of I.Q. Prior to this, eighteenth-century writers developed notions of dullness and of dunces, Romantic writers the figure…

Dr. Hester Blum “Polar Ecomedia: Print Culture in the Arctic and Antarctica”

April 24th Dr. Hester Blum (English, Pennsylvania University) will present “Polar Ecomedia: Print Culture in the Arctic and Antarctica.” What happens to messages left in bottles? Or in cairns, or in copper cylinders, or with passing ships? Blum’s paper discusses the history of Anglo-American…

Jeff Cowton: “Learning from the Wordsworth Trust’s Collections”

October 31st Jeff Cowton (Curator of the Wordsworth Trust) will present “Learning from the Wordsworth Trust’s Collections.” Dove Cottage, at the heart of the English Lake District National Park, was the home of William Wordsworth (foremost poet of the Romantic age) during his…

Dr. Alexander Regier: “Looking at Blake”

October 10th Dr. Alexander Regier (English, Rice University) will present “Looking at Blake.” This talk discusses how William Blake’s work raises a number of questions and problems about the relation between the visual and the verbal. It suggests a set of principles that govern…