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Victorian Letter: Isa Blagden to Mrs. Trelawney

Victorian letter: Isa Blagden to Mrs. Trewlawney, no date, Thursday morning. “Your letter has just been put into my hands…” Acquired March 2015

Pre-Raphaelite Masculinities: Constructions of Masculinity in Art and Literature

Yeates, Amelia, Serena Trowbridge, and Jay Sloan, eds. Pre-Raphaelite Masculinities: Constructions of Masculinity in Art and Literature. Burlington, VT: Ashgate Publishing Company, 2014. Print. The Nineteenth Century Series. Baylor Library Record

NAVSA 2016 Annual Conference CFP: Social Victorians

The North American Victorian Studies Association (NAVSA) will hold its 2016 annual conference in Phoenix, Arizona November 2-5. The Conference Committee invites proposals for papers and panels on the subject of Social Victorians. Questions to consider are: What does it mean to speak of the…

Dr. Melissa Bailes “The Psychologization of Geological Catastrophe in Mary Shelley’s The Last Man”

April 4th Dr. Melissa Bailes (English, Tulane University) will present “The Psychologization of Geological Catastrophe in Mary Shelley’s The Last Man.” In this talk she explores the connection between science and Romantic writers, focusing specifically on Mary Shelley. Rather than looking at Shelley’s well-known novel Frankenstein, Dr.…

Dr. Natalie Houston: “The Visual Page: Digital Reading and Victorian Poetry’s Cultural Codes”

October 12th Dr. Natalie Houston (English, University of Houston), Project Director for the Visual Page, an NEH-funded project to develop a software application to identify and analyze visual features in digitized printed books and Co-Director and Technical Director for the Periodical Poetry Index,…

Wordsworth Circle

Wordsworth Circle The Wordsworth Circle is an international quarterly journal publishing on studies of literature, culture, and society in Great Britain, Europe, and North America during the Romantic period. Access through this link is only available with a Baylor ID.   

William Blake Archive

William Blake Archive Since 1996 this site has provided high quality digital reproductions of poet and artist William Blake’s major works of visual and literary art. The archive contains fully searchable electronic editions of many copies of all of Blake’s 19 illuminated works…

Web of American Transcendentalism

The Web of American Transcendentalism  Hosted by Texas A&M University, this site provides a broad overview of the Transcendental movement in America. Resources include literary and historical essays on individual authors and their works, lists of resources and bibliographies, and introductions to the…

W.E.B. Du Bois Papers

The W.E.B. Du Bois Papers This special collection hosted by the University of Massachusetts Amherst presents over 100,000 items pertaining to W.E. B. Du Bois: scholar; writer; editor of The Crisis and other journals; co-founder of the Niagara Movement, the NAACP, and the…

Walt Whitman Archive

The Walt Whitman Archive Edited by Ed Folsom and Kenneth M. Price and published by the Center for Digital Research in the Humanities at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, the Walt Whitman Archive is dedicated to making America’s most influential poet Walt Whitman’s vast work accessible…