Baylor’s 19th Century Research Seminar (19CRS) is soliciting entries for two awards to be granted to outstanding graduate student papers in nineteenth-century studies in any field. Papers should represent students’ best academic work from Fall of 2022, Spring of 2023, or Fall of 2023.

Students whose papers are chosen for the award will be recognized on April 26, 2024. The students will be invited to present their papers to the 19CRS and field questions after their presentations.

Deadline: February 12, 2024

Entries should be emailed to joe_natali1 @

All entries will be peer-reviewed by a panel of Baylor scholars.

Submission requirements:

1. Brief email (a few sentences) of support from a Baylor professor recommending the paper and the student. The email should be sent to the same address listed above.

2. Abstract (250 words or less) clearly explaining the nature and significance of the paper’s argument.

3. A completed seminar paper (edited or unedited) 15-25 pages in length. Only seminar/research papers will be considered. No dissertation chapters or short conference style papers are permitted.

Papers submitted for the OGSPA award must not be previously published in any academic journals, nor in any online format.

Any questions can be directed to Joseph Natali at joe_natali1 @ Applicants will be notified of the decision by March 3, 2024.