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Monthly Archives: October 2016

Archive of posts published in the specified Month

New book from Dr. Joseph Stubenrauch: The Evangelical Age of Ingenuity in Industrial Britain

In his new book The Evangelical Age of Ingenuity in Industrial Britain, Dr. Joseph Stubenrauch (History, Baylor) argues that British evangelicals in the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries invented new methods of spreading the gospel, as well as new forms of personal religious practice,…

Dr. Chris Ferguson-“Learned Tailor or Literary Man? James Carter in the Rise of Modern Britain”

Friday, Sept. 16th, 2016 Dr. Chris Ferguson (History, Auburn) will present “Learned Tailor or Literary Man? James Carter in the Rise of Modern Britain.” The London tailor James Carter published an autobiography, three other books, and fifty works of poetry. Yet contemporary reviewers,…