British Association for Romantic Studies (BARS)

According to their website, the British Association for Romantic Studies (BARS) is the UK’s leading national organization for promoting the study of Romanticism. With over 400 members worldwide, BARS acts as a hub for scholarship by supporting conferences, disseminating news and events, providing bursaries and prizes to early career researchers, publishing a Bulletin, and establishing links with sister organisations. It publishes news on its blog and maintains an aggregated feed collecting posts on Romantic studies. It also provides a voice for the subject area both within and beyond higher education. Its flagship events are biennial international conferences which are addressed by leading figures in the field of Romantic Studies and at which over one hundred scholars generally give papers.

BARS holds an International Conference and publishes the digital BARS Review twice-yearly, offering comprehensive review coverage of monographs, essay collections, biographies and other works which reflect the research interests of BARS members. Past reviews are available in the archive, and older reviews from the BARS Bulletin & Review, the current review’s predecessor publication, can be accessed through the Bulletin archive on this site.