Chapter 16: Culture and Leadership

  1. Why is it important to study the relationship of culture and leadership?
    1. The important relationship between culture and leadership is that there are a group of ideas instead of single thing and they are at the center of research which describes culture. They also have the effect of culture on the leadership process.
  2. Explain the history of globalization and what challenges and needs have been created.
    1. The history of globalization has been increasing and advancing since WWII. Since then people are becoming more interdependent and more connected with each other. Some of the challenges that have occurred are needing to have the effective multinational organizations be designed in an effective way.
  3. Explain the five cross-cultural competencies for leaders.
    1. The five cross-cultural competencies for leaders are that they need to understand business, political and cultural environments, learn perspectives, tastes, trends, and technologies of cultures. They also need to know how to work simultaneously with different people in many different cultures. They also need to be able to adapt to living and communicating in other cultures.
  4. Define culture and explain the terms related to culture.
    1. Culture is what people are learned to believe and value. They consist of rules, norms, symbols and traditions that are shared within the community. Cultures tend to be dynamic and are transmitted to others, and is also considered a way of life. Multicultural and diversity are related to culture. Diversity is the way different cultures act/ are within the group. Multicultural is the system of cultures and set of subcultures within a group or organization.
  5. Describe House’s research on the relationship between culture and leadership.
    1. House’s research on the relationship between culture and leadership was that within a decade more globalization has occurred. This made challenges increase because there is a need for an effective multination organization. This would help identify and select qualifies leaders for different organizations to help manage and create diversity.
  6. What is ethnocentrism?
    1. This is when people put their own group at the center of their observation and also the world. They have a perceptual window that they see through and make judgments on evaluating other cultures.
  7. What is prejudice?
    1. This is a fixed attribute or emotion that someone has about a group or an individual. They can be fact based or not at all and they involve a generalization towards something. They can be changed if proven what they believe is incorrect.
  8. What is GLOBE and what are its nine cultural dimensions?
    1. GLOBE stands for Global Leadership and organizational Behavior effectiveness. It is used for studies of relationship between cultures and dimensions. There are nine cultural dimensions which are Institutional Collectivism, Group Collectivism, Uncertainty Avoidance, Power Distance, Future Orientation, In-Group Collectivism, Assertiveness, Gender Egalitarianism, Performance Orientation, and Humane Orientation.
  9. What is a regional culture cluster and how is it useful for studying leadership?
    1. Regional culture cluster is when a culture has the same history, shared beliefs, shared values are in the same proximity within their culture. It is useful in understanding leadership because if you know what each cultures clusters values are you will be able to lead them better and more effectively.
  10. Review the clusters of world cultures using GLOBE research on cultural dimensions.
    1. Some of the distinct clusters were Germanic Europe, Latin Europe, Sub-Saharan Africa, Anglo, Eastern Europe, Middle east, Southern Asia, Latin America Confucian Asia and Nordic Europe.
  11. How did researchers test the validity of the culture clusters they developed?
    1. Researchers tested the validity of the culture clusters they developed by using prior research they had found and saw the common factors they had in each of the cultures. Then they did a statistical analysis and collected the data from those groups.
  12. What is implicit leadership theory? What contribution does it make to the study of leadership?
    1. The implicit leadership theory is a theory that used leadership to base the idea that individuals create a representation of how they view the world. They also have preconceived ideas of that the world is like and use them to interpret everything around them and their surroundings.
  13. Review how leadership behavior varies within the different culture clusters.
    1. There are different ways culture view leadership. They six are charismatic/ value based, team orientated, participative, people oriented, self- protective and autonomous. These are different profiles that are important to show the desirability of a leader in each culture.
  14. How useful is the list of universally desirable leadership attributes?
    1. The list of universally desirable leadership attributes can be useful when trying to decide on using a leader or not. It is a resource to use to see if what you are looking for in a leader matches what the leader can do to provide their expertise on.
  15. What are the strengths of this approach to culture?
    1. Some of the strengths of this approach to culture is that within the findings of GLOBE they are a lot of valuable things discovered. Some of which are that they are well developed and expansive in classification of cultural dimensions and are commonly used for Hofstede classification. They also provide useful information and that information is universally accepted in what makes leadership good or bad.
  16. What are the criticisms of this approach to culture?
    1. Some of the criticisms of this approach to culture are that the GLOBE research does not provide a concise assumption and tactic to propositions that could help set forth one theory. Another way in which this has been criticized is that it does not measure leadership very well and has a list of universally endorsed undesirable and desirable leadership attributes which is looked down upon.

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