Isaiah 50:4-9a

This text is used for the Lectionary Year A on April 9, 2017.

My youngest daughter has me on a very high pedestal. Her trust in me is limitless. When something breaks, her response is, “Daddy can fix it.” When a comparison is drawn among her little friends, I am always the victor. When in fear she thinks, “Daddy will save me.”

The “servant of Yahweh” plays a central role in second Isaiah. It’s exegetically correct to note that nothing significant distinguishes who this servant is. However, Christians typically hold that this is a foretelling of Jesus. Jewish tradition holds that the servant is actually the community of Israel. In either case, the fact holds that the servant is faithful to Yahweh, in the midst of mistreatment.

This is one section of a more complete picture that second Isaiah is trying to paint of a singular “servant of Israel.” The entire narrative captured in Isaiah 49:1-50:11. The breakdown of the passage is as following:

The servant introduced 49:1-7
Reaffirmation of return and restoration 49:8-13
Israel’s statements of reluctance 49:14,24
Yahweh’s answers to their reluctance 49:15-23,25-26
Yahweh’s statements about exile 50:1-3
The obedient servant 50:4-9
Reprobation if they follow their own light 50:10-11

As Christians, I think it is right to believe this passage points to Jesus. Verse 6 describes the treatment Jesus received before his crucifixion (Matthew 26:67,68; 27:30,31). Also, if we confidently point to Jesus in Isaiah 53 then we can trust that second Isaiah has the same intention in this passage. The “servant of Israel” will be Jesus.

With all of these things in mind, we arrive at our lectionary text and the words of the servant. It is here that the servant portrays himself as a person wise with words (v.4a), attentive to hear Yahweh (v.4b-5a), without sin (v.5b), willing servant to suffer (v.6), assurance in Yahweh’s provision (v. 7-8), vindicator revealed (v.9). The best overall word to summarize this text is: faithfulness.

It is in faithfulness that confidence builds. The servant has great confidence in the final works of Yahweh. In his belief, there may be a time of extreme trial and pain, but in the end, it will be the Sovereign LORD that prevails. Ultimate victory will be found in the hands of Yahweh.

How is your faithfulness leading you to greater confidence? Exercising faith is not always easy. At times it will lead you through a difficult valley. Do not be surprised when pain becomes part of your journey. Yahweh knew that it would one day be a part of the Messiah’s journey too.

If Jesus was asked to walk toward death, why should you be surprised when a trial hits. Instead, be formed in the image of Christ. He suffers with you in moments of pain.

Be ready. Stand your ground. Know this: In the end, Yahweh will save you!




Scott Shelton
Senior Pastor – Heritage Baptist Church
Annapolis, Maryland






Tags: isaiah, servant, vindicator, faithfulness, saviour

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