Category Archives: articles of note

Articles of Note

This week, we are continuing our blog series with links to articles that have stood out to us.

If being happy in your work is something you are interested, take a moment to look at this article from Forbes, detailing information about “The Ten Happiest Jobs”:

If you are exploring career options and preparing for job interviews, this article gives you a little insider perspective on what a employers are looking for:

The third article this week speaks to the elusive idea of seeking balance in your life.  These practical strategies may help you as you pursue your current career as a college student and also help with your transition into the full-time work world:

Articles of Note

Here are some articles we’ve noticed this week to help with your career journey.

This article details the story of how a music industry pro found his entrance into that creative field.

This article gives great advice and sets the record straight on myths that may be floating around.

Concerned about networking?  This article remind us about how collegiate student organizations teach us lots about navigating those networking waters.