Sunnyvale Visit

Today I went to Sunnyvale for a meet and greet for managers from the four Tenet hospitals in DFW. We met in a conference room and then had the opportunity to get to know our colleagues from the other hospitals. One of the other hospitals also has a resident, whom I’d met before. We had the chance to talk with him about his residency experience and get some advice about how he has gotten the most out of his residency. He gave us some great advice and I will definitely ask him for advice as my residency continues.

After having some time to talk we were taken on a tour around Sunnyvale. Sunnyvale was only recently acquired by Tenet, so it’s been an exciting time to be with Tenet to see the hospital welcomed to the family. Although I had been to Sunnyvale before, I only saw a few small areas of the hospital, so I was glad to be given a tour of the facility. It’s a beautiful and fairly new hospital.

Although I’ve only spent a lot of time at one hospital so far (Lake Pointe), I enjoy seeing other hospitals and seeing how they do things differently. During my first year at Baylor I had the opportunity to shadow in several departments at Hillcrest Medical Center. I’m really happy we had that opportunity because it helped to introduce me to hospital operations. Now that I’ve spent some time at other hospitals I’ve been able to see similarities and differences between how hospitals operate. This has helped to spark my curiosity about what works best or why hospitals have different best practices.


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