
The Efolio is a really great way to showcase and keep up with our progress through the School of Education. Because it is such an important part of our journey, even if it is a pain to work on at times, I decided to change a few things about it from last year. First of all, I changed my picture to a more professional one that I felt would be much more appropriate for the efolio. I also went back and edited my teaching philosophy and one of my benchmarks (so far).  I think the most difficult part of the process was actually remembering how to use Dreamweaver the way we were taught last year.  From this experience I learned that the efolio isn’t as scary as I thought last year, and I should treat it as an essential part of my time in the school of education. I also learned how Narratives should be written.This can also impact my future website as a teacher because in the 21st century it is best to keep up with technology, especially when you can use it to communicate what’s happening in the classroom with the parents. I can use what I learned from the efolio and apply those skills to my future website as a teacher.

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