European Research Blog

After scanning all 3 of these sources I found an article over the highly controversial. Johnny Manziel and other SEC football players were put in a study where they examined how much money is spent on SEC football players. After conducting the survey they found that SEC football players make $60000 more than other players in there perspective confrences. This just shows how the SEC in particular gives their star players more money for their school just because they play football. They also did the same study on normal college students and found that the university average for non-football playing college students only get around $16000 from there perspective school. This brings up the argument whether or not college football players are already compensated enough and shouldn’t have any more money given to them by the school or other sources. The article also brings up the fact that so many college football players get arrested and that convicts don’t deserve compensation. You can say the same thing about professional athletes as well though because the arrest rate in the NFL is just as high as college football if not higher. No matter what side you are on this is a very controversial issue and has even caught the attention of European continent.

11/21/13 Media Blog

My group topic is Johnny Manziel and his scandals as well as other scandals within college football.

From this link I found a few words about Johnny and how he is a main player in the debate after his autograph scandal to see if NCAA football players should be paid athletes.

In this blog Johnny Manziel is said to be the most hated player in college football. He is said to not represent what a white quarterback does according to the writer of the post. He hangs out with people of different races and acts just like them as well as throw around his fame. This is not how a NCAA athlete is supposed to act.

Even though these websites do not give great insight of what all Johnny Manziel has done we continue to look into other sources about him and other scandals.

Research report update

My partner and I are just researching the scandals in college football that are going on throughout the year. We are currently overlooking what is happening in the Jameis Winston case with the alleged assault. We have also been keeping tabs on Johnny Manziel and his off the field activities as well as his scandals at the beginning of the semester. He is also still in the race for the Heisman and we are continuing coverage and learning to see if anything will affect his standings.

Group Project Update (11/19/2013)

My group is covering consumer technology/electronics and news related to them. This includes things such as tablets, laptops, smartwatches, google glasses, game consoles, smart phones etc. With such a wide array of technologies out there we deiced to narrow our focus down to the release of the new iPhone 5s and 5c, the release of the Xbox One and PlayStation 4, and Twitter going public. The topic that I have been focusing on is the release of the X1 and the PS4.

The PS4 was released in Nov. 15th in the US  and sold over 1 million units in the first 24 hours. Leading up to the release there were many different news outlets covering the “War of the Consoles” and many of the articles were feature articles filled with more opinion then anything else. However, news outlets such as Forbes, and The Post mostly  refrained from releaseing articles until they were able to try the PS4 and give a more object review.

The X1 will release on Nov 22nd. Despite not being released yet there still has been a ton of articles written about the console. Many of these are more akin to feature articles and opinion blogs then an actual news story.