About CJ

I am a Sophomore at Baylor University currently studying business. I plan to major in Entrepreneurial Management for the opportunity to hopefully own my own business. I am from the Natural State, the state many people call Arkansas, I lived in the capital, which is Little Rock and have nothing but great memories. Being in college would definitely be something I could consider an interest because the opportunities are limitless.

Final Blog

I think the largest thing I’m going to remember from this class, is giving people the credit they deserve. Even if you don’t mean to cheat, or use someone else’s words, it’s always nice to get credit for something you did. I just got done writing an English paper, and in the past I would pass on citing everything, but on this one I cited everything I thought I should’ve have, I guess it’s a my moral compass, but from now on I don’t want to stress on plagiarism, just doing it right the first time.

Also, when I took an internship this summer, I had no idea the amount of emails I would be sending. The first time I sent an email, the lady emailed me back and it was all in red, and she described to me what was right, and what was wrong. There was more wrong throughout the email, but if I had taken a journalism class before then, I may have not ever needed that lesson from. Its crazy how much good writing skills are used throughout your daily life. Communication is key in the real world, and life, and after being in this journalism class with a professor that is very skilled and knowledgeable in the subject, it has taught me how to strengthen my communication, and writing skills.

I never got a’s on any paper throughout this course, but I believe I’ve learned a lot of lessons, and if I took this class again, I would be ready for it.


Apple’s New Opportunity in China


The media outlet is the Bloomberg Businessweek and more specifically the technology section of the outlet. This outlet mainly deals with different business aspects that are going on either through the United States or Nationally. It is a very good outlet if your passion in business, as it deals with Finance, Technology, Politics, and Lifestyle.

This article is explaining Apples new recent dominance in China, and how CEO Tim Cook has made great relations with the Chinese. China Mobile is one of the top wireless carriers in China, and Iphone has made plans to merge for quite some time. The country has just now allowed 4g networks, which gives Iphone and Apple a great way to penetrate the market.

This deal would definitely benefit both parties, because China Mobile is large, and would give Apple a greater percentage of the market. Although Apple has created a lot of success in China, there is still a lot to work on, and they hope this plan will help with some problems, but there are many more to evaluate.

I think the audience for this media outlet is very wide, because everyone has a great deal of worth in the business market. Mainly business people would benefit from this media outlet, but business is a very huge aspect to life, which creates a large target audience.

Media Blog Assingment

The article discusses the important decisions that were made after Steve Jobs died. Many people that were lovers of Apple thought that the leading brand in the technology industry would soon fall from the top. It hasn’t, and this news article is explaining that. Apple is in fact still the leading brand in the industry, and they continue to set the standard.

The writer talks about how the successor to Jobs, Tim Cook, will be unveiling products that Jobs created before he passed away. Apple has never been able to reach the lower market, because their phones are so expensive, leaving a large part of the market unscratched. Throughout the years the new Iphones have become more advanced, but the consumers argue that there is no real difference in the phones anymore.

Apparently consumers are constantly asking themselves the question of “Is this new update easier to manage than the old interface.” The general consensus has been yes, it does. The main thing that IOS 7 has been able to create buzz about is its ability to connect to the network in case some of the other modes don’t. People don’t realize this, because it was something that didn’t peak the usual consumers, this was an idea marketed for the experienced Iphone users.

The article states that Apple isn’t peaking yet, and it doesn’t look like they will anytime soon.

PR Assignment

If I had the chance to choose any business idea I wanted, it would be to franchise a Waffle House in the Waco/Baylor area. I really want the restaurant to be on La Salle.

Public relations would be a very instrumental part in the restaurant, because I want people to enjoy the time spent at the restaurant. The members, and attendees of the restaurant would have to have a reason to go, and with a good public relations director, I could market it very well. I have the vision of making it a more high-end waffle house for college students at the same affordable prices.

The press release would talk about how all the members working there are fun, and how easy going the whole restaurant is. I really want people to have fun with the atmosphere in the Waffle House, and feel like they can come at anytime of the night, and get the same experience. I would look to hire students that are very out going, and will work for maybe a smaller paycheck. If the students like the employees, they will get higher tips, which makes their paycheck higher.

I would love to get into social media, more so with the like of Pinterest and Twitter so that I hit the market of girls, and guys. We would want to hit Pinterest hard, because it gives us a market for people to notice how good our food looks.

If we were to do any social events, it would have to be through fraternity and sororities, because they have a lot of events, and waffles are always a great dish at any event.

NPR- Weekend Edition

Germans Warily Guard Their Privacy- The German Chancellor, Angela Merkel, who used to work with the East German Police made allegations that she has been spied on by the U.S. intelligence agency for years now. Gregor Peter Schmitz was one of the men interviewed and talked about how the Germans love their privacy, and have been through two terrible dictatorships. He thinks that the spying laws should be stricter between allies in the future.

Dreaming of a Chess Juggernaut- Andrew Paulson, an American living in London, bought the marketing rights to the sport of chess and plans on making it a huge spectator sport. He compares chess to golf, and says golf is a very boring sport but people still watch it, and believes that’s how chess could become. He wonders how golf got so popular, and attributes it to the mind game of the sport, and says chess is not different. “There are a lot of theories in chess, and it would make for a better watch than golf,” said Paulson.

TSA Agent Killed, several wounded in LAX Shooting- Paul Anthony Ciancia, who is accused of the shootings in the Los Angeles Airport, killed a TSA agent, and injured 6 civilians in his rampage. The incident occurred in terminal three with an assault rifle. His parents, prior to the attack called in, and warned the officials of his mental state, but it was too late. The TSA agent killed was Heraldo Hernandez of 39 years old. It was the first TSA agent killed in 12 years. Throughout the whole incident, a total number of 700 flights were interrupted.

Controversial Week for NSA- NSA agent, Check Alexander said that the U.S. has been working with European Allies, and has been monitoring foreign leaders so that they are aware of what the government is thinking. Washington Post put out an article talking about how Google and Yahoo are how they’re receiving their information.

Mash Donalds? Iranians Copy American Fast-Food Brands- Holly Dagress pointed out, in Tehran, there are many restaurants created that are mimicking the American fast-food industry. She says there are nine restaurants that range from Basking Robbins to KFC. the others: Chipotle, Dominoes, Mash Donalds, and Subway are some that are copying under the same name, but Superstar which is identical to Carls Jr. and Rice Coffee, Starbucks, are the two that run under different names. Starbucks was the only company to sue so far, but the they lost the case. If diplomatic efforts strengthen, it is very apparent that these companies would have to shut down.

Red Sox Rise from Civic Embarrassment to World Champs- The Red Sox won the World Series this past week, and Howard Bryant explains the route the Red Sox took. He says, “They weren’t far away, they had bad chemistry, and a bad manager with more injuries. They had a lot to prove this year, and you never underestimate a team that has a lot to prove.” David Ortiz won the World Series MVP, and as a team, they played probably the most fundamental baseball we’ve seen in years. This team was a lot of the same as last year, they just wanted to prove the world wrong.

A Conquered Foe Returns To War-Torn Syria: Polio- The childhood disease that causes paralyses and sometimes death has been spreading rapidly through the country due to the war. Many people are fleeing the country in groups and it’s causing the spread of the disease. In a refugee camp in East LEbanon there have been 10 outbreaks confirmed, and it’s demoralizing to the country because they haven’t had a n outbreak in over 12 years.

What Do You Do When Your Lead Singer Quits?- Eric Polito of Midlake band said his new group has been making new music without Tim Smith for about two years now. They decided on the idea to continue the music, and make a clean break from the genre they did with Tim Smith. He came across the word Antipone, which in Latin means opposite voice, and it was their response to the lose of Tim Smith. The album should show the response to life.


The Dallas Morning News

The media outlet covered this week for journalism is the Dallas Morning News. I evaluated the outlet on Sunday, October 27th after watching the Dallas Cowboys lose. It felt fitting to wait for the outcome of the game. The outlet covers a wide variety of topics, but most of them are topics covered throughout Texas. They have a huge section, and what it is mostly based off of is the Dallas area. The Dallas area is a large part of North Texas, and the Dallas Morning News does a good job of covering it.

The outlet usually covers topics about the community, sports, and politics that are happening in the state of Texas. Sometimes they range towards national news. The top story was a story out of Houston. This story was covering the city’s proposal to shut down the Alamodome or not. The city wants to transform it into an exhibition center for the city, but fans from the past want to keep the stadium. A lot of supporters to the Alamodome are touring cities in a bus and letting other supporters write their stories they have from the Alamodome.

The communication department just received a $50 million dollar boost to help with journalism, advertising, and other communication studies. “The Moody Foundation has pledged the money to support projects across UT’s communication college, which will now be named after the Galveston-based nonprofit.” This will help in the growth of the department, and will lead to scholarship endowments to help future students.


This story is about how the state of Texas is going to shut down 13 abortion clinics to go into effect Tuesday. They will do this if the federal judge votes for abortion restrictions. There are a lot of people saying that the state is going “back door” and that it is not right they’re shutting down clinics if the bill gets passed.


The audience for this outlet is a wide group in the state of Texas. It appeals to Texans because it deals heavily on topics around the state. This media outlet does appeal to me. because I live in Texas, and will possibly be working in Texas when I graduate. My main place to be would be Dallas, and this would be a perfect news source for me.

Washington Post/Watergate

The media outlet for this week is The Washington Post, but there is a twist. This Washington Post is focused on the Watergate Scandal that led President Nixon to resign as President of the United States. I evaluated this media outlet on October 16, 2013. This outlet discusses the Watergate Scandal, but puts a modern version twist to it. They incorporate Facebook, Twitter, Blogging, and other social media outlets to describe the event.

The outlet looks at different subjects and different idea that have since been uncovered over the years since Watergate. Watergate was a tough time in America’s past, and this outlet tries to unravel documents and findings that are important to the audience. The top story is The Long Shadow of the ‘National Nightmare.’ Watergate turned Americans into bad, cynical people, and a race that could not be trusted. It put a bad light on a great country. The one thing it did accomplish, is showing that the American Law did work. This changed the whole dynamic of journalism, it showed people that good is out there, and that journalists can make a difference. It not only created a mistrust from other nations, but from home there was mistrust. Republican party couldn’t trust Democrats, the people couldn’t trust the Government.


This story shows the timeline for the Watergate Scandal, and puts a modern twist on something from the past. It is putting a timeline and showing what other things were going on during this time. The world was so clueless into the scandal, but if it weren’t for the journalists that went above and beyond, the world would’ve never known. It is very interesting to learn about the topics in the news, when all we know from this time period is the Watergate Scandal.


This was the story on when they revealed the Deep Throat. This was the man that Bob Woodward went for the direction on the story about Nixon. Mark Felt was the Deep Throat, and the man that helped Woodward throughout the whole investigation. It also talks about how they give Mark Felt such recognition, but there were so many more people involved with the findings of the scandal.

I think this audience appeals more to the older generation, because our generation isn’t as aware of the Watergate Scandal. We have learned about it through school, but we probably have never done research on it. It was very appealing to me, because my dad was a history major, and he loves watching the history channel and I’ve seen documentaries on it. It was very interesting to see that Facebook article to, that was pretty neat.

Searching for Gary Smith

Gary Smith is an excellent journalist; he details his topics to the bone. He understands a good story, is the one that leaves nothing out. The name of the Story is Gary Smith, and Sarah Perry wrote it. The story gives a brief synopsis of the man they call Gary Smith. The story starts out with him in an interview with Muhammad Ali, who is driving the car, but also falling asleep at the wheel. Then the story dives into Gary Smith’s life and the type of interviewing he did, all to relate back to Ali in the end.

I think this story is a blind lead, because they keep us wondering who the journalist is, and who is driving the car. “Was the world’s heavyweight boxing champion pulling a rope-a-dope on the world’s heavyweight sportswriter? Was he resisting the famous mind drill? Gary, for once, will never know.” I think this is the nut paragraph, because the whole story is based on Gary Smith’s ability to dive into his subjects, but we never really understand Gary Smith, neither did his wife. This was the one time that Gary Smith was unable to truly connect with his subjects, so I feel like it is the nut graph.

“You are 50 feet away, watching Agassi at the U.S. Open, then 2 feet away, flying in his private jet, then you are about to enter a forest … and get into Agassi’s mind.” This is my example of a descriptive copy because it describes the different aspects into journalism, how high profiled athletes think. He uses his mind, and philosophical thinking to dive into Agassi. But, it’s a descriptive copy, because he’s describing different times when you get into your subject.

There were 6 quotes from different people in this story. The boring part was the story about Jesup. I felt like it was definitely necessary, but it was boring to read because it didn’t have much meat to it. It was information that defined how Gary was able to settle his life down, and open up more. I like the ending, because it showed that Gary doesn’t always win. It was interesting; I didn’t see that side of the story at all. I never saw that coming. It ties directly into the beginning because it just drives from the start of the story. I got knowledge out of the story. I love the way the story is set up, and think writing stories like that are beneficial. I really liked the way the story flowed. It was very clean and crisp, and it was almost like we were on an adventure to learn more. There wasn’t really anything I didn’t like about this story.



Los Angeles Times

The media outlet is the Los Angeles Times. I evaluated this outlet a little late in the process, because I got side tracked, but it was September 26, 2013. The outlet is talking about how the FBI has been using drones for sometime now. The news has hit the media, because there was a lot of money that was spent on these drones. The drones have been used for spying on countries that the U.S. feels are threats to homeland security. The Los Angeles Times covers a wide variety of topics, from global affairs to national political issues.

The story involves the subject of unarmed drones that have been surveying countries through stealth and invisibility. The drones have helped barricade buildings and track criminal suspects since 2006. “Surveillance drones have been useful to the FBI in situations when the lives of agents are at risk, said a law enforcement official who was not authorized to speak publicly about the sensitive technology.” The drones have never been acknowledged in the use of examination, but may have been hinted towards their use.

Another story of interest was the idea of crude oil being shipped to California in forms of railroad transportation. They said the biggest shipments of crude oil are now to California. It’s interesting to see this develop, because as the nation is going more towards Natural Gas, the amount of crude oil being shipped to California is ridiculous.


In Honolulu Harbor, there was a huge molasses spill that killed a bunch of fish. It’s supposed to be the largest man-made crisis to hit Hawaii in it’s recent history. The worst thing yet, is their is no way to clean it up. The U.S. always talks about how oil spills ruin the ocean’s ecosystem, but this was a completely different incident and has the same effect. It’s a tragedy, and one that man has to avoid.


I think this media outlet ranges between audiences. I feel this because it has a lot to do with political affairs, but also national affairs. The FBI may be gaining to much power which can scare countries from trusting the U.S. For example, in the terms of Syria, and Brazil, if they don’t feel the trust between the U.S., then our diplomatic affairs become nonexistent. I did like these articles, because I want to get in the oil and gas industry, but also I’m trying to become more aware of political affairs, and this is a great start.