Final Blog Dec 8

This semester I have learned a lot in this class that I can take with me the rest of my life, even though I am not pursuing a career in journalism. The main skill I learned in this class is to have good punctuation and making sure everything is in the AP style format. These skills I have developed go beyond journalism and can be translated to other jobs and day to day life. With these skills I have developed, I can set myself apart from the pack of people that don’t use good punctuation or AP. This class has been very helpful for me and I am glad I have a better knowledge of the media and everything that goes along with it.

European Research Blog

After scanning all 3 of these sources I found an article over the highly controversial. Johnny Manziel and other SEC football players were put in a study where they examined how much money is spent on SEC football players. After conducting the survey they found that SEC football players make $60000 more than other players in there perspective confrences. This just shows how the SEC in particular gives their star players more money for their school just because they play football. They also did the same study on normal college students and found that the university average for non-football playing college students only get around $16000 from there perspective school. This brings up the argument whether or not college football players are already compensated enough and shouldn’t have any more money given to them by the school or other sources. The article also brings up the fact that so many college football players get arrested and that convicts don’t deserve compensation. You can say the same thing about professional athletes as well though because the arrest rate in the NFL is just as high as college football if not higher. No matter what side you are on this is a very controversial issue and has even caught the attention of European continent.