Final Blog

The most important thing I learned during this class is the importance of finding what people want to know, getting to the point, and keeping the writing simple. Looking back, it was surprisingly difficult to write correctly at the beginning of the class. Keeping my own thoughts and opinions out of the story throughout the semester became easier and easier. The thing about writing for journalism is that following the guidelines is very important, and it is wise not to stray from the rules when writing. When writing I learned that keeping it simple and writing clearly and concisely is a good thing.

I definitely learned a lot about writing news stories and reading them. There was plenty of assignments for sure and a lot of in-class assignments. I definitely got my money’s worth in the class, seeing as how we never got out of class early! But the class was enjoyable and you were a good professor to have for it. I appreciated that you were excited about teaching us and also fair when it came to assignments and grading.