Leads for Ross Perot



Texas billionaire, Ross Perot plans to convert a local park into an amusement park.


Plans to demolish a 20 acres local park on the edge of town and replace it with a new theme park. Which has seen a handful of resident’s that have given opposition to this proposal.


Several residents have protested outside the building, carrying signs that said “no to Perot.” Ken Miles leads the opposition against Ross Perot, when talking to Miles he said, “A nice city park with green space is not the same thing as a commercial operation with a huge parking lot. This is ruining our city.” With this planned construction, there has seen a good amount of opposition.


Perot has adamantly answered the opposing by saying, “the city is in need of economic development, and that’s what I do best.” Perot has wanted to always have an amusement park for himself. Most town residents do not agree with Perot’s logic.



-Will Nystrom