State of the Media



When reading the “State of the Media”, it gave me a lot of interest in regards to advertising for, magizines, newspapers and cable.


Everyone knows that newspaper advertising is a dying breed. With all of the newspaper owners today who are smart they’re switching towards electronic newsappers. Which I feel is the only thing that will be able to save the industry. With the bright minds that filled the newspapers of the 20th century are moving towards different industries, I feel that will effect newspapers and also destroy them, in the years to come.


The magizine industry to me has always been a more glammerous newspaper. In the magizine industry it actually saw a rise in new magizine startups, so I feel that the industry will be here for many years to come. That is due to the fact that there are so many good magizines and with some it is a collectible. But what I found curious is that food advertising on magizines have dipped, this was surprising to me because of all the boutique magizines that specialize in cooking.

For advertising for cable, it is a very advantagious gig. Because most of everyones daily lives are based off cable. The rate of expanision in cable is at a steady increase. With all of the big cable companies pumping in upwards of a one billion dollars, just on the news aspect of their networks, shows to me that they’re willing to spend their money because they feel it is in a business to stay.
The “State of the Media” report, was extremely interesting to me because it gave me numbers’ and percentages’. Showing me what each news outlet industry is looking like, in regards to how they spend their money and also how their advertising is going. It gave me worry about the newspaper industry. I have no idea how much longer that you will be able to buy a paper newspaper. That is very sad to me, because I really enjoy the paper copy of the newspaper.


-Will Nystrom