Blog from The New York Times reading

The N.Y. Times has the third highest readership in the United States, trailing only the USA Today, and Wall Street Journal. The N.Y. Times covers all types of news. They have been a mainstay in public news since the 1800’s.


The top United States news was information of the new generation on guns. It describes the relationship between guns and the younger population and how the gun industry is poring millions of dollars into it to try and increase relations with the younger population. It talks about the NRA trying to target the young populations by giving major incentives to buy guns, big coupons $300 off a gun. And they are making mobile applications and are trying to tell the media that it is out of benevolence.


I stumbled upon a story of a 15 year old boy from Albuquerque. The outlet I found it from was The New York Times, .It is story about a boy who shot down his family, by using multiple weapons to kill his family. I thought the story didn’t go as much in depth as I would have hoped. Due to the fact it went surface deep and didn’t go in great detail. I am assuming that they couldn’t go in much detail, because there hasn’t been enough information about the case.


Another story that peaked my interest was an article talking about cheap phone plan. . This phone can give you unlimited data, calls and texting; all for under $18 a month. The reason for it being so low is that the phone company maximizes the time you use your phone on Wi-Fi. This is an untapped market and Republic thinks it has just the right mix to get in on the action.


The audience that The New York Times tries to go for is the upper 20’s, highly educated people. The reason I think that is because it puts big emphasis on art and theatre, when most other newspapers do not.