Final blog

I think the most important thing that I am going to take from this class is being able to communicate to others in the proper manner during whatever the situation may be and do it clearly. During the countless hours I have spent on assignments in this class I have found that it does teach you a little something no matter what major you may be in. If you are in business no matter what level you are in a job from CEO to entry-level position, you will always need good writing skills. Being truthful, getting the facts, being accurate and giving credit to those who deserve it something that you can and should always use in the business world.

Continuing with the business world since that is the world I will join when I graduate from Baylor. I think staying in touch with the news and being able to consume it is something that you should always be of knowledge about. It is important because you never know when an unexpected event could effect the sales or the well-being of your company, so being able to understand and follow the news is actually pretty important in the world and I find that it is also something that I should and will take away from this class.

It really has been a semester where even though I may have known some of the things being taught, I truly learned so much.