NPR 11/2/2013

I listened to the Friday Morning Show from NPR this week. NPR stands for National Public Radio and is funded both privately and publicly. NPR covers a very broad range of news topics from sports, national news, and politics, to foreign affairs and happenings. It can be listened to and read online, through iTunes, or on the radio 24/7. NPR also targets a more educated audience and those who are 30 and older in my opinion.

One of the news story that was covered was Ender’s Game’ Movie Shows Hero’s Lasting Appeal. While this was a short story I enjoyed it because I have read the series and really enjoyed the books. It also saved me some time from having to go see the movie as well, since it was a movie review as well as a discussion about the topics covered in the movie and books. From how to deal with bullies, and using brain instead of brawn all the time.  While it gave some negative reviews of the movie there were also good reviews and sparked my interest in going to go see the movie since I now know not to expect the book.

Another story was titled Which Plan Covers Abortion?  No Answers On Health.Gov.  It covers the controversial matter of abortion and how the  Affordable Healthcare Act deals with it.  The short answer is “No one knows how it will be covered”.  Laws for insurance agencies vary by state with some saying it can be a separate policy and others flat out denying it.  There are also the states that would allow for it in instances of “unfortunate circumstances” such as rape. Since this is such a controversial topic members of Anti-Abortion/Pro-Life groups are very upset with the unclear standing on abortion within the ACA.

A third story that caught my interest was Food Stamp Benifits to Shrink. This story caught my eye because earlier in the semester I had reviewed a story on it. On November 1, over 47 million Americans lost a large majority of their food stamps. The combination of the debt that the United States is in as well as politicians believe that the current system is flawed, a large chunk of Food Stamps were slashed and the program reformed. While this may be a good idea it also harms those who rely solely on Food Stamps. In the mean time politicians from both sides are meeting in order to discuss possible changes to the cuts in order to keep those who require Food Stamps in the program and ensure that they are not limited in their use of food stamps.

NPR is in my opinion a great news source for those who are educated or want to hear about a wide range of news stories and interesting stories as well. However, if you like your news fast and immediately, NPR is not the place for you. While there are some short stories, a majority of them are longer and since they are talked about and debated on sometimes they can go on for awhile at times.