Grammar Rant

Why do I hate grammar, well where do I begin. I believe that basic grammar is essential to the writing process but some of this more complex grammar is so stupid. I believe it’s stupid mainly because it screws me over on papers. I could spend days working on a research paper and turn a great paper into my professor only to have it brought back to me bleeding red ink. I will end up with a B paper all because of my grammar. If I put an A paper on the table I should not get a B grade back just because I failed to make everything grammatically correct.

Honestly, I don’t think anything would help me understand grammar better. I have had english teachers my whole life try to drill the grammar rules into my head and hardly any have stuck. It is definitely a lost cause for me. Some people understand grammar and some people don’t and I definitely fall into the don’t category.

Despite my personal opinion towards grammar, there is one grammar pet peeve I have that drives me insane. When people text me and use short slang for a word it drives me crazy. Like if somebody sends me wat instead of what I want to throw my phone into a wall.

All in all I hate grammar and probably have multiple grammar mistakes in this blog post that further proves my point.