Person on the Street (9/21/13)

Personally I really do not like doing public speaking and am a reserved person in general. This definitely applied to walking up to random people and doing first person interviews. At first it was really awkward for me but as it went on ot became easier and easier to do. Also many people would cut the interview short after hearing the question and thinking that they had nothing to say on the topic, which made it difficult to find people as well. Also many people didn’t want to be recorded and would walk off after I said I would be recording them. Even more people however didn’t want their picture taken.

For these interviews I asked:

“What is your opinion on iOS7?”

These are the answers that I got.

Matt Cranor:

“It’s a lot brighter, it’s mostly a lot brighter than the last OS. I like all the little quality of life fixes that they did to make it easier to use. However, I think that if they sped up the app opening and closing animations it would go a lot smoother.”

Chris Boise:

“While I don’t have it yet, I’ve heard mixed reviews. I’ve heard that it’s really awesome especially with the new iTunes Radio. I’ve also heard that their is some slow down  with some of the older phone models, not necessarily with the 5. So I’ve heard a little bit of both sides. I’ve heard that its really good and makes a lot of updates. I’ve heard some people say that it looks like Windows revamped.

I think that it looks like Android as well, and at some point both Windows and iOS will look the same”

Genna Ainsworth:

“It looks like Android. And they way they did it just doesn’t look good to me. I think it makes it look cheap”

Hannah Roberts:

“I have it on my iPhone and my iPad and I really like it. Especially iTunes radio and the way it looks.”

Brandon Mattingly:

“I have no opinion of it yet. I typically buy a lot of Apple products, but I haven’t had time to peruse it yet so, I’m the type that if I actually don’t have any knowledge of it I don’t form an opinion of it”

Billy Kretschner

“It looks a lot like Android to me. And I want to know what was the point of making it look like Android.”

Brittany Brown

“I think it’s a little too similar to the look of windows 8. And the importance and cultural relevance of it says something about our society.”