Should college athletes get paid?


David Miller: “I believe athletes should get some monitory payment for their performance on the field. The good athletes should get paid and the bad ones shouldn’t.”

Austin Tyler: “No athletes should not get paid. I go to the same school and get the same education but I don’t get paid to go here. Athletes aren’t special.”

John Damon: “College athletes should not get paid from the schools. I believe they can go get endorsements and stuff like that but definitely no money from the school or NCAA.”

Baylor Simpson: “Hell yeah athletes should get paid. They earn it on the field and they should get rewarded for their play.”

Dylan Innes: “Yes athletes should be paid because they are the one that make money for the school through playing football. Without the athletes on the field, Baylor doesn’t get paid. I mean come on, give a dog a bone.”

Lindsay Reagan: “I think football players shouldn’t receive money because education is their payroll.”

Grant Kawata: “Athletes should definitely not get paid, I don’t get paid to go to Baylor so why should they?”

Taylor Blackburn: “Athletes should not get paid. They are student-athletes and that comes with privileges already. They get free tuition, meal money, and all sorts of other things. They definitely should not get paid.”