He said; she said

I read this article, because it sparked my interest with the recent success of Baylor football, it is exciting to hear that the football alumni are starting to give back to the school. Baylor wouldn’t be where it is now with the support of the alumni football players. I think this story does a good job of showing the excitement from recent players through their quotes.

“We wanted to honor the teams and players that have come before.” said Doug Fertsch. It shows how they want a strong showing from alumni.

“Most of them want to be a part of this.” Abercrombie said. “They app want to be a part of what’s going on right now in Baylor, and were glad to have them be a part of it.” This quote is an example of the excitement and buzz around Baylor.

I wouldn’t want to be quoted in the newspaper because I don’t think my opinions are worth it. I’m really not big on being put in the public.

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About CJ

I am a Sophomore at Baylor University currently studying business. I plan to major in Entrepreneurial Management for the opportunity to hopefully own my own business. I am from the Natural State, the state many people call Arkansas, I lived in the capital, which is Little Rock and have nothing but great memories. Being in college would definitely be something I could consider an interest because the opportunities are limitless.