Thursday-Huffington Post

I have heard many talk about the Huffington Post, but from what I got from mostly everyone was that their information is not always sound. I had a teacher in high school who never let us read from the Huffington Post because she thought that their information was unreliable. However, when I realize that many were doing Huffington Post I decided to give it a try and to be honest I’m really glad that I did. I felt like it was more geared toward young adults rather than older men and women which is great because I fall into that category of readers. I would definitely read Huffington Post again because many of the topics were very relatable with me and it wasn’t a newspaper full of only politics which I tend to hate.

The main story that I saw was the article talking about how the House passed the vote to cut food stamps by $40 billion dollars. The Republicans feel that this food stamps cut will get people to look for jobs and further boost the economy. Many Republicans lashed out saying that rather than sitting on the couch all day and enjoying taxpayer benefits; people should be searching for jobs in order to help our economy. The writer even brings up a resident of San Diego who claims to have been living on government benefits rather than going on the search for a job. The majority of the House believe that this cut will help Americans who are not pushing to find jobs; rather than being secure with what the government is supplying them with. The crucial part that I found from this article are the many requirements the House is enforcing for someone to get food stamps such as drug testing, making these people search for jobs in order to receive benefits, and denying adults who can work but choose not to.

The next article I found interesting was the story talking about the football player who died from an on-field injury last Friday. This article spoke to me because I had a friend during high school who suffered bad injuries from playing football, and he is still having to deal with them today. Football is a very dangerous sport and rules should be enforced to ensure that these players are safe from any injury and even worse; death. Damon Jones was the 16 year old running back who died after a hard hit that he received when he collided helmet-to-helmet with an opposing player. He was rushed to the hospital in critical condition and his parents announcing his passing that night. It is so sad to see such young football players receive severe injuries or even end up dead due to the danger of football. According to this article, “Since 2000, 39 high school football players have died directly due to injuries sustained while playing, according to The National Center for Catastrophic Sports Injury Research.”

Lastly, I found an article talking about the new iOS7 which was officially released yesterday. I easily related to this article as I tried to install this update yesterday but couldn’t due to the overflow of Apple users flooding the network. This article talks about the many different steps you should take before installing this update which is great because many of my friends did not back up their phones before updating and are now on the search for getting their contacts back. Another crucial step is to find WiFi with a strong connection because if you happen to get kicked off you will have to start your update all over again. In my opinion, iOS7 looks amazing and I’m happy with the updates that Apple has released. It just shows how they are still coming out with such great updates and will continue to surprise their users with every update.