New York Times September 3, 2013

This week I was assigned to evaluate the New York Times. Now most of you know that this is one of, if not the, most read newspapers in the world. I, like many Americans, sat down today on the 4th of September to read this paper and to see what all it has to offer. As I scanned through the paper I immediately realized that there is a lot more news stories in here than the local papers I used to look at growing up. On the front, the paper obviously had the top news stories of the day which happened to be U.S. relations with Russia and U.S. talks with Iran. This particular newspaper happened to have four sections: The normal New York Times section, the Arts section, the Science section, and the Business section. All four of these sections cover a range of topics from our dealings in the middle east to the newest movies coming out.

The top stories, as I stated early, were the U.S. relations with Russia and U.S. talks with Iran. Out of these two stories, I chose to read the story titled, Drawing a Line on Syria, U.S. Eyes Iran Talks. To summarize this story, the main theme was that the U.S. does not want the use of chemical weapons in Iran because of what happened in Syria. Recently, the Syrian government released chemical weapons on their civilians, which killed thousands of people. To prevent Iran from following suit, the U.S. government decided that they needed to have some talks with Iran and let them in on our strategy to strike back at Syria. A military message is almost inevitable with Syria at this point and the U.S. does not want to have to do that with Iran too.

After reading this top story, I went on two examine two more stories in this paper. The first was about the 64 year old woman that swam from Cuba to Florida; a trip that is 110 miles. The title of this story was Sharks and Nature Cooperate for Solo Cuba-to-Florida Swim. The next story I examined was titled  In Mountain Air, Foresight (Maybe), which was about the new movies at Film Festivals that may or may not have success at the oscars. (The assignment says to post links to these stories but I obviously can’t because they are in the hard copy of the New York Times.)

This media outlet is obviously meant for All Americans. I say this because this paper has stories that would be interesting to almost anyone. If you like to see whats going on in politics it has that or if you like to see news about upcoming movies then it has that too. Almost anybody could pick up this paper and find something interesting to read. I don’t even like reading the paper and I found a few stories in there that I actually enjoyed reading.

Overal though I would say this media outlet barely appeals to me. Out of all the stories in there I only found a few I found interesting and entertaining. Honestly, I am the kind of person that likes watching the news on T.V. rather than reading about it in the paper. I hate reading so it’s just obvious that I would not like reading from this paper either.