Media Blog Post 8/29

Hello, my name is Austin Lester. I am from Emory, Texas. For those of you who have never heard of that it is a town out in East Texas out by Canton. This is my blog where I will be keeping you up to date on various topics, the one today being about worldly issues covered by a news site. I will not always be using news sites. I may talk about Facebook or ESPN, really it just depends on the day. Almost all of the time I will be talking about something that can be found on the Internet or on a mobile device because in todays day and age that’s really all we know anymore.  I normally get my news from the New York Times because it tends to show the important issues with really no bias towards a particular political party.

Today August 27, 2013 I stumbled upon an article on the New York Times that caught my eye. For those of you who are not familiar or do not really read the news it is a website or magazine that talks about all sorts of different issues from international problems to technology innovations. Before this became a website the New York Times was only a newspaper. Now its very difficult to find a newspaper or even someone carrying a news paper unless you are in a big city.

The story that I stumbled upon and wanted to share with you today was something that has potential to change the face of the earth and life as we know it today. A few days ago there was a mass killing near Damascus, Syria that was allegedly said to have happened using chemical warfare. The United Nations are conducting extensive background searches to see as to who is behind the attack before waging a retaliation or starting a war. It was said that it was insurgents who caused this attack, but as of right now it looks like to the United States and Great Britain that the attack was done by the Syrian government to the civilians of Syria. President Obama said the attack is, “a moral atrocity that cannot go unanswered.” It is being thoroughly investigated and will be voted on at the United Nations after this weekend before any governments will be able to retaliate if that is the necessary action.

Speaking of the possible attacks on countries home soil by its own inhabitants. The military jury sentenced the gunman of fort hood to death today. He was found guilty of 45 counts of attempted murder and murder. This action of terrorism is the most gruesome event on American soil since the attack on September 11th.

In opposition to tightening gun laws to prevent things like events at fort hood happening again, the state of Missouri is trying to nullify all gun laws in the state and making it a crime for federal agents to enforce them. This will potentially put the states gun laws above any federal jurisdiction.

If you enjoy staying up to date, on top of worldly news, and just about every other topic under the sun the then the New York Times is for you. This is because it is always up to date on any issue or innovation. It can appeal to really any age due to the fact that it has news and stocks for the older crowd; and technology for the younger population.

This media appealed to me mainly because war and guns have interested me since I was a young kid. I love to watch war movies and I have an abundance of guns at my parent’s house. It has always been in my life because my dad likes these things, so in a way the interest was passed down to my brother and I so it was kind of a coincidence that the top story was pertaining to chemical warfare.

Until next time,

Austin L.