
My name is Cody Darden, and I am a senior here at Baylor University blogging for the Journalism/ Film and Digital Media 3372 class I am currently taking.   This blog will continue through the course of the semester and will be updated weekly.  Over the course of this semester I will be analyzing and evaluating the quality of a variety of news sources.  I currently get my news through a few different avenues: mobile, online, print, and television and radio.  I watch ESPN, listen to ESPN radio, and read articles on their website. I am subscribed to the Wall Street Journal because, after all, I am a finance major in the business school.  I receive print copies and read articles online.  A few other places I go to get news are FOX News and CNN.  I watch both on television occasionally but mostly on their mobile sites.  I receive text alerts from all of the aforementioned news outlets.  I personally think that the Wall Street Journal is the most credible and best source of news I receive.  The articles are well written and the authors are extremely knowledgeable and credible.  My feeling is that you have to be careful with Fox and CNN because of their agendas often put a spin on the news.  ESPN is extremely reliable but often not the most well written, however if you want news about sports it is the place to go.  So those are my go to news sources and my thoughts about them.  There will be more to come.

Until next time,

Cody Darden