Dallas Morning News: October 27, 2013

I am evaluating Dallas Morning News today, Oct. 27. This news outlet is very focused on news going on around Texas but is centralized on news in Dallas. It covers topics on everyday news, business, sports, life, and entertainment. Two things that are different with this news outlet than others I have evaluated is that it has a weather and traffic section and also a video section to get news from. I think the audience this new outlet appeals to the people of the Dallas-Fort Worth and Arlington area. The age of this audience is most likely those out of college and up that are working in this area.

The first article I decided to read was 50 million reasons why UT communication students are happy.  In this article it announces the $50 million donation from the Moody Foundation to the University of Texas at Austin’s communication college. The communication college will now be named after the Moody Foundation in honor of its donation. This gift is the largest donation to any public university in the country for the study of communication.  This endowment will be used to design new courses, refurbish classroom spaces, and fund the building of a bridge to connect the college’s two main buildings. UT plans to celebrate this gracious gift on Nov. 7.


Another article I read was The Girl in the Closet: All in front of her.  This is a feature story about a 20 year-old named Lauren who has had a rough life growing up.  It begins telling how she had a rough time connecting to other kids in high school and how she never let anyone in because she was disappointed time and time again. She was stood up at her Junior prom so she decided to have a birthday party during her Senior Prom to avoid that disappointment. After graduating, Lauren had to take care of her adoptive mother, Sabrina Kavanaugh, who had breast cancer. But this was difficult for Lauren because her maturity level was of a 15 to 16 year- old girl. The reason why this was is because Lauren never developed right because her mother and father physically abused her and sexually took advantage of her. On the outside no one knew the pain Lauren kept inside of her and because of this she was made fun of and thought of weird. Lauren has becoming better at connecting with other people as she is now attending Trinity Valley Community College and setting goals to someday attend the University of Texas.


The article This Will Destroy You alleges ‘I Am Second’ campaign has been stealing their songs also caught my interest. This article is about how the Texas band This will Destroy You claims that I Am Second is using their songs without permission in their campaign videos on the web and on DVDs. The band filed a lawsuit in Dallas on Friday, Oct. 25. The band made it clear in 2009 that they would not allow their songs to be used by certain organizations based on religious or political beliefs and I Am Second is a Christian based organization that is connected to e3 Partners Ministry.


I personally did not really like this news outlet. I felt like I could not find anything that I was very interested in to read. I think this is because I am not from the Dallas-Fort Worth area or even Texas for that matter so I did not connect with anything that was posted on this news outlet.  In the future I will probably not come back to this news outlet for news coverage unless I was looking for something about the Dallas area.