Grammar Rant 9/23

Personally I have never really like grammar and it all started in middle school. I had a teacher who was very particular about the way grammar should be done. We had 50 page packet of grammar rules that we were supposed to memorize.

In that packet I found that punctuation was always the hardest thing for me. I could never figure out where to put the correct punctuation or sometimes I would just not see why it need it. I think if I actually spent a decent amount of time with a one on one tutor that I could get down the rules of punctuation.

I have a rule when I get text or writing that anyone who cannot use the correct form of their/there/they’re really will get under my skin. Most likely will not respond to them or I will just tell them exactly what they did wrong. It isn’t hard to figure out which one goes in which context. There is only three words to know the rules for, so I feel like people should stop being lazy and put some effort into it.