Person on the Street

It was very interesting, and somewhat scary walking up to people and conducting interviews. It got better after the first few, but in the beginning my questions were not as thorough. It was also interesting to notice, I would feed off the people I had already interviewed, and form a better question for the next person. Asking people about something I don’t really know though can be very awkward. I think if I were interviewing them about sports it would have been different. I can talk about sports all day.

Patrick Donlon- “I will not buy the Iphone because I think it is too expensive. I already have a working Iphone, and don’t think its necessary to get the new one. The software though is very cool.”

Will Nystrom- “I don’t like the plastic Iphone because I feel that it is an inferior product to the Iphone 5s. It doesn’t adequately support the whole idea even though it is cheaper.”

Austin Jolly- “I will buy the 5 just because I have an upgrade for the Iphone and currently I’m still working with a four, so it will be nice to have the new one. I am looking forward to the finger identification app on the new phones.”

Jackson Lowery- I wont buy the Iphone 5, because I’ve noticed that the first sample released always has problems. They always seem to be fixing bugs for months after the release. So, if I do, it will not be till months after. Then they’ll be releasing the Iphone 6 I’m sure.

Colin Thomas- “I’d love to be able to get the Iphone 5. It will take some convincing to the parents, but I always try to stay up to date with the technology. So, I believe I will get it. Cant go wrong with the way Iphone does their phones; they have really dominated the industry. If they keep making, ill keep buying.”

Sumun Vasheghani- There is no way I will buy the Iphone 5. I just don’t see the point. When you have the Iphone 5 and you get the updated software, there is nothing different between the phones. No one puts pass codes on their phone anymore anyways, so the idea of the of the fingerprint is not worth the money.”

Jake Blum- “I won’t buy it just because I think it will be the same as the one I have right now. It really doesn’t make much sense for me to buy it.”

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About CJ

I am a Sophomore at Baylor University currently studying business. I plan to major in Entrepreneurial Management for the opportunity to hopefully own my own business. I am from the Natural State, the state many people call Arkansas, I lived in the capital, which is Little Rock and have nothing but great memories. Being in college would definitely be something I could consider an interest because the opportunities are limitless.