Should College Football players get paid?

The interviews that we had to preform were very awkward, especially at the library. I did not enjoy asking random people random questions. Interviews are not my forte.

“Hell yeah. College football is a multi-billion dollar industry. If the athletes are making money for the NCAA then they should get paid.”- Ben Bosse



“It is a sensitive topic, but I think that the NCAA should tread lightly and pay athletes.”- Caleb Swonke



“Education is what college athletes are paid. So they shouldn’t pay them anything at all.”-Trevor Miles



“College athletes make several billion dollars for the NCAA, why would you not pay them?”- Alex Davis

“I think football players shouldn’t receive money because education is their payroll.”- Lindsay Reagan


“Athletes should not get paid. They are student-athletes and that comes with privileges already. They get free tuition, meal money, and all sorts of other things. They definitely should not get paid.”- Taylor Blackburn


“Athletes should definitely not get paid, I don’t get paid to go to Baylor so why should they?”- Grant Kawata