Person on the street story 9/21/13

My experience interviewing was very awkward.  It was hard to approach people and ask them the question on my topic.  Half of the people interviewed did not really have much to say about it and I had to format the question in a different way to get an appropriate response.  Almost all were reluctant to having their picture taking but after further explanation they were ok.  Definitely that is one of the hardest things I had to do and I have a lot respect for those people that can do it no problem.



Do you think there will be stricter guns laws because of what happened on Monday?

“No, because it happened on a military base, and there’s always guns there”- Laura Knowles Class of 15

“Of coarse it is.  I mean, what else are they going to do? They have to have stricter gun laws.  It happens every time.”-Mallory Cicchillo Class of 15

“I don’t think this will affect gun laws.  The debates will run on, but the majority still want guns so that’s that”- Aaron Gladstone Class of 15

“No, there will not be a change in gun laws. What’s the difference between this and events prior to this one.”- Joridin Garret Class of 16

“No, because people have been committing crimes since guns were invented.  People do not want strict gun laws and they don’t want anyone in office that could threaten there right.”-  Travis Watson Class of 14

“I think towards people buying guns just not want kind of gun you purchase.  So doing more intense background checks.”- Sherman Dumars Class of 14

“I think it will be more strict in back ground checks and research people for mental stability.”  Samantha Adams Class of 14