Person On the Street 9/21

I really was uneasy at first about going up to people and interviewing them because it is out of my comfort zone. I am an outgoing person, but this is something I have never really experienced. I attempted to find some friends in the library to make it easier on myself, but then failed. After walking around I found these nice gentlemen.


The Questions: What do you think of Johnny Manziel as a person? Do you think his off field personality has an affect on his on field game play?

Travis: I don’t know I think he is a decent person, he just gets bored because he is getting bored of all the fame. It probably doesn’t help that he goes out and gets drunk every night, but I guess you can do that when you take online classes.



Jonathan: He is disrespectful and he isn’t a good role model. I don’t care what A&M’s players or coaches say they just cover his butt because they want to keep their reputation high. I think if he acted he acted a little more mature off the field more people would have respect for him.

Christian: I think he is acting appropriate for his age. He is under a lot of media pressure so he deserves a pass here and there. I think if the prospect gets more into the NFL he may need to clean up his act a little.