Person on the Street

I interviewed these people with Austin Lester, a friend who I met last semester during one of my classes. To be honest, when I was assigned to do this task I felt very uneasy, as I hate just walking up to random strangers and asking them questions. Not to mention most were in the middle of studying for exams they had during that week and I didn’t want to be the one who interrupted. However, we interviewed three people and got some great answers from them.


The Questions: What do you think of Johnny Manziel as a person? Do you think his off field personality has an affect on his on field game play?

Travis: Travis said that he didn’t think that Manziel was a great person, but figured that because of his college atmosphere and publicity it wasn’t really anything that he could handle. However, he did think that Manziel could clean up his act and become a respectable player.


Jonathan: Jonathan didn’t seem to like Manziel at all. He felt as if he was a very disrespectful player and that nobody should look up to him or any kind of act that he was doing.

Christian: Christian agreed with Travis that Manziel is making some pretty bad decisions, but that his college reputation is getting the best of him. In order for him to get better respect he needs to clean up his act before trying to get a spot into the NFL.