Person on the Street


How do you think the conflict in Syria has effected U.S.-Russian relations?

Jeremy Fenghali

Jeremy Feghali:

“To be honest I have no idea”



Grant Kawata:

“I believe Syria was run by communist Russia back in the day, so, the Syrian conflict can have some  communist background to it, I believe. So that’s not looking too good for US-Russian relationships because we kind of, didn’t really like that, hence, the Cold War, and many other things. So, I think its kind of deterred the relationship a little bit.”

 Jace Silcox:

“I think the conflict in Syria is probably making any negotiations or future negotiations between America and Russia more difficult”



Blake Deer:

“I think it could lead to strengthened relations as the nations work together to deal with a common enemy and issue”



Jackson Turner:

“On the surface it looks like things may have improved because we are ‘cooperating’ with the disarmament proposal, but really its only heightened the tensions. Essentially we’ve allowed Russia to look and feel more important than they are, while making ourselves look weak and small in the eyes of the international community.”

Dakota Liles:

“I think Obama getting us all involved in the conflict and all that stuff in Syria has just made everything worse.”



Cole Emerte:

“The relationship has obviously been pretty strained for a while now. But I think it is too early to tell whether the most recent conflict in Syria will effect both sides in the end. Obviously it is strained right now, but I think it could get better or worse depending on the outcome.”


This exercise was certainly different than anything I had done before. It was a bit awkward just walking up to people, and trying to explain to them what I was asking. It was a little uncomfortable but I just decided not to worry about and just do it. Once I did it once or twice it became easier. Although some of the people I interviewed were pretty apprehensive to give their full names or have their picture taken.