Lariat Article

For this assignment I used a Lariat Article from last April about Holly Tucker. The Lariat is a student publication at Baylor University. Holly Tucker is a former contestant on The Voice.

In this article quotes were utilized very well. They displayed emotion and they portray the primary character well.

“Whenever the song ended and I saw that all four chairs had turned around I was just in utter disbelief,” Tucker said. 

In addition to this they got a current student and give her reaction to a classmates ability. It is a different kind of quote because it has a paraphrased insert by the author in between.

“I didn’t really know how good she was until I saw it”, said Padilla, who had never heard Tucker perform before. “But once she started singing it was crazy.”

In addition to that she also got other parties involed with Holly as well. Such as her former record label, Uproar.

“We have always loved Holly’s music,” said Uproar publicist Zane Harrington. “We’re so excited for her success on “The Voice” Monday and we wish her the very best luck in the episodes to come.”

I think the only thing that was really missing was a voice of someone that was not Holly’s fan- someone that maybe did not like her voice.

The quotes make the story more real. They add different perspectives to the story. Additionally, they make the paper seem more established.

Obviously I would want to be quoted in a newspaper as shown above. I thought it was a lot of fun being interviewed.