He said; She said 9/20

The Baylor Bears defense has been tweaked since last season. Some key players have different positions on the defense. The switches of two players, Ahmad Dixon and Sam Holl, have paid off greatly for the Baylor defense so far this season. Art Briles said, “Ahmad is a gifted guy who can run that’s a very dynamic player in his own right. It gives a little more speed on the backside where we can change some coverages.” The detail by Briles gives us a little insight of why he thinks the change was for the better for Dixon. After being moved to nickleback, Sam Holl says, “I think nickelback fits me more.” Holl also said, “I love safety too, but this position allows me to use my strengths more than I did at safety.” This shows that even though he loved his position he had faith in Coach Briles’ ability to do what is best for the Baylor defense. These quotes give a little bit more depth to what exactly the thoughts and feelings are of the people that are being affected by the decisions of the coaching staff. Being quoted in a newspaper is not a life goal of mine especially for something bad, but if I was being recognized for something positive, why not. Being in the newspaper is not always bad and sometimes it is an honor, so I wouldn’t mind being in a well known newspaper.