Huffington Post (9/19/2013)

For this week’s regular media blog post I reviewed the Huffington Post. Created in 2005 as a left/liberal alternative to news sites such as The Drudge the Huffington Post is very different than both The New York Times and The Washington Post. The Huffington Post deliveries it’s news in more of a blog style rather than list all the stories that pertain to a section. This also leads me to believe that the Huffington Post is geared more to a younger audience because it resembles a social media site rather than a physical newspaper, which many younger people tend to not use as their news source.  Also with sections such as Weird, Celebrity, and Horoscope it seems that the Huffington Post is trying to capture the younger generation of readers who aren’t yet concerned with political and business stories.

One of the front page stories was “House Votes To Cut Food Stamps By $40 Billion”. The link to this story was Speaker of the House John Boehner holding his over-sized gavel with the title EAT THIS over it. This just emphasizes why i believe that the Huffington Post appeals to a younger audience. The article details the cuts to the nation’s food stamp program that the House passed earlier today. The House aims to limit the amount of food stamps given out and to make getting food stamps harder to do. The main component that is different in the bill the House passed is that recipients of food stamps must be in search of a job or attending training to qualify for a job, allow states to require drug tests,  and deny able-bodied adults. While this bill aims to cut $4 billion a year and $40 billion in total, it also will deny benefits to millions of Americans starting in 2014.

Another article that I found interesting was “Jay Carney Says John Boehner Has ‘Putin Envy’”. This article covers a YouTube video that John Boehner uploaded. This video covers what Boehner’s sees as Obama’s unwillingness to talk with the American Speaker of the House or Republicans of the House on the matter of raising the debt ceiling, but will talk with Russia on Syria. In response to this video White House press secretary Jay Carney stated that Boehner is experiencing “Putin Envy”. The article also mentions the House’s plan to push a plan that offers a one-year debt ceiling hike, approval of the Keystone XL pipeline, tax reform, and a one-year delay of Obamacare.

The Huffington Post also had an article about Tesla. The article, entitled “Tesla Is Working On Self-Driving Cars”, talks about how Tesla is joining the race against Google and other companies to be the first to build a self driving car. Tesla hopes to have a car that handles 90% of the driving out in three years, however most analysts say that it’ll be closer to 10-15 years before we see anything that sophisticated. Tesla is not the only of companies that plans to build a self driving car. Google, Mercedes, Daimler AG, and Nissan also have cars with driver-less features or are building self-driving cars.

The Huffington Post is a great source of news for those under 30 or those who are less interested in serious politics but more lighthearted discussion of politics. The Huffington Post while an interesting and more up-to-date (style wise) news source does not appeal to me as much as The New York Times or The Washington Post because many of the articles I found interesting, I also found to be to short and lacking background detail or detail into the subject.